Reviews for The Violin
banjoist88 chapter 1 . 2/18
Excellent work, both writing and character development! And as a luthier myself, I must say, you are either a fellow luthier, or a musician who truly knows their instrument like the back of their hand!
Chibi1309 chapter 1 . 10/24/2019
Loved it. The writing was so beautiful and descriptive. Brilliant piece as always!
Beasthe chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
Beautiful story.
Allen Blaster chapter 7 . 3/5/2019
I really enjoyed this one man. Two thumbs up!
Talbyspud chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
I found your story to be very well written and your knowledge of instrument building to be quite interesting.

Keep up the good work! Being into classical, are you into the Punch Brothers by chance?
dld51 chapter 7 . 6/23/2018
Wow, I really like this story. It was fantastic.
lecoma chapter 4 . 10/29/2017
loving this story by the way
lecoma chapter 4 . 10/29/2017
why am I getting a southern charm from cyborg? not bad and it might just be how I read it
Guest chapter 7 . 5/28/2017
Great story
RPGPersona chapter 7 . 4/23/2017
I was actually expecting this to be two more chapters after the last one. One chapter with Raven dealing with her doubts and one where they come together.

While others can be supportive and other advice, in the end only you can make the choice. It seems Raven is still undecided and is seeking some solitude to reflect on what she wants. It is kinda cute how she picked the spot that Garfield showed.

Of course fate would have Garfield being there as well to reflect on his own thoughts. So it is a conflict of the heart and mind. Rachel's heart knows what it wants, but her mind is not so sure. I suppose waiting is all Garfield can do. He apologized for his mistake and the rest is in Rachel's court.

Hey, thanks to starting my playthrough of Persona 5, I actually know what wunderkind means. Looks like trying to dedicate yourself to your craft while your mind is in conflict, is not the best recipe. Sounds like her thoughts and conflict are leaking into her music, which is not impressing Helmuth. He is pretty sharp, figuring out why Rachel is distracted quite quickly. But Rachel is going to have to find an answer soon. At this rate, her conflicting may negatively impact her career.

I can't blame Vic for being worried and checking on his friend after he state he was in last time. Garfield seems to be pouring himself into his work, to the point where he turned down Vic's invitation to the concert. Not sure if this is good or bad.

So Garfield actually had a plan all along. Never mind then, no wonder he passed on Vic's invitation. Richard is playing guard dog I see. I know he is just looking out for Rachel, but he really isn't presented in that great of light in the context of the events in this story. It took some yelling on Garfield's part, but he was able to talk with Rachel. Richard really needs to relax a bit.

I knew from the start that the violin that Garfield started with Rachel was going to be hers, but I didn't think he would finish it on his own. Rachel seems pretty stunned by the gesture.

For someone who was so reluctant to accept the gift, she sure is worried about its well being already. I wonder if it was Kori or Richard who switched instruments. My guess is Kori. Too late to back down, not even Helmuth is letting her change instruments.

Two people using their craft to express their feelings and bare their souls to each other. That is quite the poetic way to end things. I see why Garfield was so busy up until the concert.

Once again, I know you are looking out for Rachel, but it is things like buying her dinner right after the concert that spawned those dating rumors in the first place. Not to mention be in her dressing/prep room before the concert.

Four hours, that is oddly specific. That gives them plenty of time to discuss where they want to go from here, as well as others things if they so chose.

Thanks for another fun read.
Anonymouse chapter 7 . 4/20/2017
Right in the feels... good story. Beautiful writing.
Foamsatmouth chapter 7 . 4/20/2017
Damn onion cutting ninjas...
Sparity101 chapter 7 . 4/20/2017
Damn, that good. I could paint quite the picture with that.
runner chapter 7 . 4/19/2017
Anytime someone does a fic with a violinist in it, my mind automatically drifts to the anime "Your lie in April".

Human portrayal of characters and a happy ending. Good job. And your chapter lengths are perfect for a quick reading but descriptive enough, delightfully so.
mochafraptor chapter 7 . 4/19/2017
Incredibly well done! Almost a shame it is over
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