Reviews for Wrestling
Guest chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
Ficwriter93 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
That was great! I really liked what you did with Lana and how she took the reveal I feel like this is really close to how it would have happened if he had just told her in the first place. I especially love that "what else you got?" Line you gave Lana. It just emphasized it so perfectly. Great job
DJ Dubois chapter 1 . 5/2/2017
Hi. Oh if only it could have been like this. While I think it was a little too easy for Lana just to accept who and what Clark is in this piece, I'm game to suspend disbelief to have that perfect moment. Love the flashback. It blends so well into the story.

Thanks for sharing!
Batman111893 chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
Even though this is D.C. The fact is if there is one thing I've understand about smallville good becomes great bad becomes worse and there is only good in lana Clark Chloe Lois Johnathan and Martha Lionel and lex are bad and they became worse
Batman111893 chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
You know if you're really going to continue this you should have Lana tell Clark about the stones and help her understand that lex and Lionel are after them
Lizardphobia chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
I normally ship Lex/Lana despite how unpopular that ship seems to be, but you know, you've got this incredibly sweet way of writing pairings that I can't help but smile at.

It's been gosh, ages and ages since I watched Smallville, and my memories are fuzzy at best, but you did a wonderful job of showing me just how it could have been.

This was lovely, thank you for sharing it.
onlyLana chapter 1 . 3/13/2017
nice cute story.
a bit "weak" in the revelation, i would have liked a bit more, as the secret is huge, have affected them many years. i also think Lana is a bit weak in her responses, i think she would have reacted more.
Batman111893 chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Please excuse my spelling error and mistakes in my sentence what I meant was you really are making a difference based on the way you see things between Lana and Clark I wish the writers would've realized that Lana is the one for him in this show and not Lois because Lois is to risky based on the fact that she is popular and just so we are clear don't beleive everything you see based on the reality of what's really going on and not just what seems to be going on
foxxer1999 chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Dude! I said "aww" so many times reading this. I haven't watched smallville since I finished it, and I even wrote a story with myself in it. but this take on it was just awesome! Amazing job!
Batman111883 chapter 1 . 3/6/2017
I don't know how to at this but you really are making difference based on the way you went with this most people liked CLANA better and reading has help restore my faith in them and helped me realize they Lana and can still be together if anything is possible based on the way you see things between they may fight and all but they still loved each based on the fact that they never give up on each other