Reviews for Masks
Lennox13 chapter 33 . 1/28
Don't really like the format of AO3 but if you insist.

Thank you for writing!
Lennox13 chapter 32 . 1/28
They were all phenomenal and perfect.

Lance, because gosh, he is like water, isn't he? A storm, a lake, always in motion, currents staying the same, calm hiding riptide. So I'm glad he got there first.

Ugh Pidge was my favourite because that is exactly what I expected from the Green Lion. And they complete each other and it was so perfect.

Hunk, gentle, strong. Gosh, he is a rock. The teams anchor. I feel like the fact that he is both a leg and earth just reeks of symbolism and represents his personality perfectly. I love his steadiness and his loyalty, and I can see why he an Lance are best friends. Because they both just need someone to defend or care for, and they both need someone to just accept them without judgement. I feel they are both so painfully insecure and they offer selfless acceptance for the other in exchange for the same.

Keith's explained so much. And I loved their interactions. And sometimes the best way to heal, is to find someone to care for instead. Keith will help Red and ,I'm ignoring Canon, she'll help him heal too.

And wow, yes. I was reading and thinking ahead, and I was like Black is going to be a problem. Zarkon could not have been kind. Shiro is gonna have to be Spacedad to a lion as well. Couldn't have wanted more. Perfect.

It was everything I hoped it would be!
Lennox13 chapter 31 . 1/28
I was just going to comment about the similarities between Hunk and Ben, when I read the AN.

And yay! It's exactly what I didn't know I needed/wanted beyond the basic fact that, I did indeed want/need this.

And it's so perfect! And I can so clearly picture How Sleeve wears his, even if I can't picture how it looks, because I'm not very visual. But if I pretend a bit, I push up the mask with a devilish grin and I'm Sleeve. And you write actual people and I love it.
Lennox13 chapter 30 . 1/28
Okay. This. This was... Glorious! A roller-coaster of perfection. Every single linebreak segment. Ugh. I loved it.

I saved something, but I can't remember, so here:
"Scruffy wrinkles his nose. "Ben won't join in – he's an optimist."

That stops Shiro in his tracks. "He's a what?"

Ah, yes! Laughed so hard! This was so good!

And the whole not bumping into each other was such an interesting touch. They're like triplets! Not the same and yet the same. They've spent since birth together and have this inherent desire to be recognised as apart, but still a unit, because their brothers but they are not the same person! Beautiful! Loved it! Just remake the last few season of Voltron, please!

Pidge reacted exactly how I imagined she would.
Lennox13 chapter 29 . 1/28
"They are not Shiro.

And Shiro only ever gives up on himself."

Utter perfection.

I love how they are the same, but all being shaped in different ways by what they experience, but at different times or stages in their developments. If that makes sense. They are clones, yet you've kept Shiro at the core and coloured in different petals for each. I hope Lance somehow gets them masks. Not-Shiros would feel like they don't deserve it, so would never ask or actively try for substitutes, but I think it would drive home the fact that they are their own persons, the same and different - that they have souls, I guess.

Excellent writing, as always!
Lennox13 chapter 28 . 1/28
I liked this wayyyy more than the actual stuff! Thanks! And I think your characterisation was spot on, on all accounts.
Lennox13 chapter 27 . 1/28
Hey, this is the future - maybe a 100 years from now, there will be a Samurai Souls. ;)

And yay, more Team bonding! Love it. My fave part of any series, book or show are those initial moments of coming together. I was so sad that it lasted for maybe like max 3 episodes in the cartoon. Much needed filler, thanks!
Lennox13 chapter 25 . 1/28
Haha, my first Anime was apparently a dubbed version of Heidi. Couldn't get enough of it. I forced myself to watch Naruto to find a way to reconnect with my sister after I went to high school and got way too obsessed with my studies. It was so painful, but ultimately worth it to watch her face light up and actually be able to comment and contribute as she babbled on about something she found interesting. Ironically, she's now very judgemental about me being perpetually stuck in a cartoon/Anime obsession. Hmmh.

I love the team building! And the little titbits of personality you add to each one! So, so good!
Lennox13 chapter 24 . 1/28
I would never be able to get one, but gosh, I love tattoos. Especially when they are done to trap a memory.
Lennox13 chapter 23 . 1/28
This was beautifully written.
Lennox13 chapter 20 . 1/28
Awh, me heart. I am a puddle of goo. Gosh, that last bit was so fantastically cute!
Lennox13 chapter 19 . 1/28
The ANs just get me every time!

Gosh, I loved this one. I love other cultures and I'm sometimes so jealous of people growing up with such rich histories and such deep roots. Like, my native tongue is just a baby in camparison to most established languages, and my country, or rather my heritage - the one I identify with, only truly existed for such a short time. So, when my friend, who is from China prattle on about what's unlucky, what's lucky, and why, I always listen with a feeling of awe.

I loved this chapter for that reason - it made your writing so real and alive and gosh, I love your mind! I wonder what kind of mask you'd have? Or I'd have? Gosh, this is going to keep me busy for a bit. Thanks for enriching my world!
Lennox13 chapter 17 . 1/28
Love your take on Matt.

Love the lore.

Love the AN.
Lennox13 chapter 16 . 1/28
Your words... I... I don't know... They are so pretty.

Impossibly perfect and pretty.

And yes! On the AN. ;)
Lennox13 chapter 14 . 1/28
Okay, now I'm torn. I love love love this one too! Gosh, I'm a sucker for parallels and I went back like thrice to read over the last lines. And then that AN, the middle paragraph, gosh, I could feel the words vibrating with life. Gorgeous.
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