Reviews for Remnant's Eternal Pirate
CrowKrowQrow chapter 7 . 7/4
Loving it so far.
Curious about Luffy's interaction with the Brother Gods (if you get there, not like is anything urgent). For me the Light God would be that shadowy leader of the Gorosei and the Dark God just Kaido (who's already a dragon anyway) not dying.
Kinda want to see a Hancock like Salem, as Luffy accidently makes the Dark Mistress of the Grimm fall for him and makes her realize the best way to spend immortality is an endless adventure instead of world domination. And Ozpin panics in the background.
zuheuyagsv chapter 7 . 6/30
yo when is the next chapter coming. Im not trying to sound rude im just curious
Enryou chapter 7 . 6/12
I need more chapters!
Enryou chapter 4 . 6/12
to all this, what happens to brook ?, it is supposed to be an immortal skeleton, since it ate the
Yomi-Yomi no mi
Guest chapter 7 . 5/25
Just a question. Luffy already have advanced all three types of haki right?
epantoja521 chapter 7 . 5/9
Oh shit, Qrow was so close
epantoja521 chapter 6 . 5/9
Dam feels sad to see everyone dead in luffy's old life
epantoja521 chapter 5 . 5/9
I can predict that your going for Summer as a fair for Luffy
epantoja521 chapter 4 . 5/9
Luffy getting peoples names wrong always crack me up
epantoja521 chapter 3 . 5/9
Oh, Luffy always refusing someones refusal
epantoja521 chapter 2 . 5/9
Oh, so the one piece universe and Rwby Universe are the same
epantoja521 chapter 1 . 5/9
Oh my Raven wanting to know about Luffy's body
augustussanchez42 chapter 1 . 4/15
im beggin ya, please continue this series, its the best fanfic I've read in a loooong while!
Alexis chapter 7 . 2/26
Cette histoire est extrêmement intéressante je suis très impatiente pour la suite
KingZthe1st chapter 7 . 1/30
This story feels refreshing character wise and I do enjoy everyone's reactions to the things knows and does. Curious about what route the story is going to take but I'm excited for it.
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