Reviews for Bones
LoveKitaSoMuch chapter 24 . 4/11
That was weirdly alright. I thought I’d be sad. But I feel she finally got what she wanted..
Julie chapter 24 . 4/11
Hello, I've really appreciated this story, but I have to agree with others eviews that the end felt really rushed and lacked depth. It is quite sad to end a story like this.
margie-me chapter 23 . 10/11/2019
So, the reason for abbreviated events is excused in the opening precursor to this chapter; but I must agree with a previous commentator that things seem quite rushed here, as if you're hurrying to a conclusion. It leaves this chapter rather light. I am, however, keen to know how Moy fares with the Dead, who lost their honor and had remained trapped until they fulfilled their oaths and the heir of Isildur releases them. Moy had certainly not been of their ilk. What will Legolas do in her behalf? Will she remain as she is?
margie-me chapter 22 . 10/11/2019
Wow! Even undead bones love this elf!
margie-me chapter 21 . 10/11/2019
Poor Moy! No wonder she became so bitter. What Caelon did to her, after all they'd gone through, was cruel and terrible. So, this was partly why she had no rest in death and was in the chamber where she was discovered. Absolutely sad.
margie-me chapter 20 . 10/11/2019
...she followed him into her tomb
Oh, slam! That description sounds a lot like a barrow, and this is very chilling.
margie-me chapter 18 . 10/11/2019
Caelon-and now Legolas. Methinks she is indeed smitten!
margie-me chapter 17 . 10/11/2019
What? Moy apologized! It must be down to that poor little child. Also, what exactly is it about Aisowyn seeing Moy "shine" as Legolas does? What is going on? You're sure making me wonder.
margie-me chapter 16 . 10/11/2019
Potatoes are either fried or roasted, but I've never heard of both together. Hmm. Anyway, Moy is a puzzle, isn't she?
margie-me chapter 15 . 10/11/2019
A marvelous escape, and Moy was pretty scary in her frenzy. Hopefully no panicked Orcs stumble across them. I am at a loss as to what the experiments were pertaining to, unless it was a way to render Orcs able to stand the sun, perhaps. Just guessing.
margie-me chapter 14 . 10/11/2019
Months gone, and I finally return to reading this fic, which I was just thinking about, too! Moy is certainly a different kind of protagonist; not wicked, but not innocent either. She doesn't fit in anywhere, and maybe that's part of her appeal. She's as sharp as vinegar, but there's more to her than that. Thank you for continuing this unusual story.
Aralinn chapter 23 . 10/3/2019
I have really enjoyed this story so far. However, I must say that this chapter felt rushed and lacked the same depth as the ones prior. I would have loved to see inside Moy’s thoughts. What made her realize her love for Legolas, what are her thoughts on the war around her. Where was an internal battle on the path of the dead? I just couldn’t feel connected to the chapter, and this makes me sad.

Happy writing
pineapple-pancake chapter 9 . 10/2/2019
This story is quite original, and well written, sweet... and yet I also feel like it's going nowhere?
pineapple-pancake chapter 3 . 10/2/2019
I think that elves, being connected to the nature and having lived much, would know how to differentiate among female and male bones if paying attention to the pelvis bones. Yet I guess one could forget to pay attention to forensic examinations when being surprised with a being like that.
barbara.nob.7 chapter 23 . 9/30/2019
Omg i waited for this. I love this story really
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