Reviews for No Radiance
kayisacat chapter 5 . 11/26/2017
I like the outfit! Onto the club~!
kayisacat chapter 4 . 11/26/2017
"Victor smirked. "Three seconds and you are back to being a thorn in my side." Love. This. Line. Also, THANK YOU for not making Yuri a docile damsel in distress. His willingness to fight against his capture, but also do what needs to be done to help Yuuko is heartening. I'm looking forward to Yuri's new outfit and the meeting!
kayisacat chapter 3 . 11/26/2017
This chapter made me smile. Putting Yuri in a dress (Ciel in a dress is a classic 3) and all the descriptions of the buildings were great. Honestly, I doubt Yuri would jokingly think of someone else as a "slave driver" in his situation. Nice job overall though! *rubs hands in anticipation of next chapter*
kayisacat chapter 2 . 11/26/2017
Well, this is certainly a dark AU! I like the whole concept. I'm really looking forward to see what you do with this world. I has so much potential because it seems to vaste! Especially with Victor being a Lord he must hold a lot of power over people, businesses, and politics. Where will Yuri fit into eventually or will he simply be Victor's treasured lapdog eventually? Probably the later with how prejudiced Colbrans are against humans... but it would be so interesting if Yuri was able to fight the system and gain power!

I'm also curious to what the Unwanted are. Are they Colbran as well or some other species? If they ARE Colbran is there some sort of caste system that defines them by their white hair? Curiouser and curiouser! I hope this isn't the end of Yuuko in this story! Please let her become stronger and return to Yuri's side. T.T

Aside from that all that, I did notice there was a run in dialogue between Chistophe ( LOVE that he's Victor's lackey btw) and Yuri. It was when Yuri snapped back he would have to work 10 months in order to pay for Yuuko's medicine. I think there should have been a break in dialogue there.

Overall though, I really am enjoying this so far! It's DEFINITELY my new guilty pleasure! Thank you!
MissMJS chapter 42 . 5/9/2017
This was so creative! I absolutely loved this! So dark, but fluffy, and funny, and YES!
Great job!
o.Summers.o chapter 42 . 4/16/2017
It was a very interesting story and glad I read it to the end. There I found that some parts that were a little hard to follow. Wish there was a bit more development on Yuuri as a character and that you utilized his parkour movements into the story at didn't really have him as a blushing damsel in the end. Good job posting and I wish for many more stories from you.
Badger-Chan chapter 42 . 4/15/2017
Thank you for this amazing, unique story. Its been a delight to read. I will 100% be reading this again many times :)
Moonlit Sapphires chapter 42 . 4/9/2017
Thank you so much for this. I enjoyed every second of the journey.
Cuckooo chapter 42 . 4/9/2017
Never mind me. Just here giving a standing ovation to this fanfic. Oh, and never mind the emptiness i feel, nor the fact that i didn't know what to do with the time i usually use staring at my phone, waiting for a notification of this fanfic's update.
Never mind it all...
CONGRATULATIONS for finishing this fanfic, THANK YOU for making this fanfic existed. One of the fanfic i ever read, and now the first one that i read that ended. Beautiful work my man. This is some good shit.
G0thicBloss0m chapter 38 . 4/4/2017
Everything is all action packed now, so exciting! And wow Colbran system is really raw, hope they'll manage to make a proper parliament in the future

I'm wondering if you'll ever introduce Yurio? Tbh I can't seem to picture any story without this tsundere, but then again Yuuko is with Chris(they kinda clicked here, so not complaining) and most chara are dead (sara and co.) I'd say I'll just wait for the next scenarios to find out

Poor twins tho, Victor and Yuuri should invest on sound proof walls, not that they have the ressource now but in the future maybe
vanialex chapter 35 . 3/31/2017
Oooooo possessive Victor :) yummy lol
Badger-Chan chapter 33 . 3/29/2017
The updates to this story are my daily pleasures! I've been reading since you had published 12 chapters and don't regret my decision to read this! The progress in the story, the relationships and difficulties faced it's all such an enthralling read. Keep going!
vanialex chapter 32 . 3/29/2017
Pmsl ... between the "down boy" and blues declaration I about died laughing
Deathtechrobotic chapter 32 . 3/29/2017
Amazing story thus far I will patiently await the next chapter
DarkAngelsan chapter 32 . 3/28/2017
Oh no! :'o I almost cried when that happened! Oh my gosh! what's gonna happen next?! Are they gonna fight back? Will they stay on Morja? There's so much I wanna know! Thank you for updating so fast! I can't wait for more!
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