Reviews for Grandpa One-Shots
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 3 . 7/24/2017
These are really good and cute. hope you come back and do some more.
Gib chapter 3 . 3/16/2017
Another nice addition. I love hearing about Jacks past and using Jake to tell it is cool. Love Jack giving sage advice. Great job! Thanks for posting.
WynonaRose chapter 3 . 3/16/2017
Wow, sounds like you have a great family! Good for you. Treasure every one.

This story was sad. Poor Jake. Away from home. Wondering if he isn't as brace as his folks cuz he's scared for the first time. I know Jack made him feel better. Maybe Jake will learn a different way to help save the world on a regular basis. Who knows? Besides you. Keep writing.
WynonaRose chapter 2 . 3/15/2017
Very nice. So loving the grandma and grandpa. Keep coming up with them! Please!
Gib chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
I enjoyed this. It's hard to picture a character you like as being old or not able to do their job anymore. I usually steer clear of stuff like that but the conversations between Jacob and Jack keep making me come back to this. I secretly want some miracle procedure to fix Jack but that would kind of defeat the purpose of these little oneshots so, I'll keep stopping by to enjoy a retired Grandpa Jack. Thanks for posting.
Objessions chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
My kid told me three weeks ago that he wants to enlist. His dad was a soldier, and I know what that means for a man's sleep for the rest of their lives. I can't help being a little proud, even though, like Mac, I hate guns and love science. This cut deep. But in a good way. I hesitate to mention that the boy in question has started wearing a leather wrist cuff since joining me in watching the new MacGyver (he grew up in reruns). I also hesitate to mention that his name is Ian. Which translates to John. And that since he was about 7, his name in RPGs has always been Jack. Jack Armstrong. So I gotta love Jack Dalton. I hope someone gets to call my Jack grandpa someday and he doesn't get his fool ass killed. Jumping out of planes? Who does that? Oh wait, my psycho kid... right.
WynonaRose chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Aww, Jacob is a mini-Mac-Jack all rolled up in one. Love it!