Reviews for Gloomy Days
gj chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
u got the sanji x nami part right, but we both know it's zoro x tashiga.
EastBlue chapter 9 . 6/20/2018
EastBlue here. Excited to read the final scenes after the long buildup. Up till now I have really enjoyed seeing all nakamas being on the brink of stepping in yet they let it go in hope of nami’s happiness. Sanji guilt is understandable :( .

“I want to hate him. I really do”. I do like that Cassian is not a bad guy up till now. He seems considerate and understanding, hence making Nami’s decision a bit difficult.

Wow, Sanji’s thoughts about Luffy, the crew and being there for the wedding were just great. He’s such a gentleman and so very selfless.

“Greatest gift bestowed on us is opportunity”. “If no one lends us a torch, we are free to find our own”. Thank you for the wisdom you always share, I’m always inspired by that deeply. I truly loved the minister's speech and you use really interesting mythological references.

Oh my God. The end was so touching, his panicking thoughts and finally him breaking down. Good job, I feel the manga Sanji would respond the same. Loved this chapter!
EastBlue chapter 8 . 6/19/2018
Loved the mysterious lady, again the mystery people have been so wise and insightful. Loved Robin’s role in consoling Nami and restraining Luffy. Is that song going to be Binks Sake?..
EastBlue chapter 7 . 6/15/2018
EastBlue here. XD Zoro getting lost while finding the bar. “.…. meeting Sanji after years of separation indeed have a lasting effect on him, as much as he wanted to deny it”. They’ve been brothers in all but blood”. I always love hearing their inner thoughts. It’s true what Zoro said about others not thinking if him as the more perceptive deep thinker, but he really does come up with strong opinions.

“..he found out the hard way that the World Government didn’t actually like to pay bounties to ex-pirates”. Genius! I never thought of that possibility. It’s interesting to imagine what the crew would do after they come to land.

The flashback. Sanji’s behavior reminds me of his behavior in the seducing wood, his indifference is quite heartbreaking but knowing what’s really going on in his mind makes it somewhat understandable. I love how Zoro didn’t fought with swords and how up front he is in confronting Sanji. Liked the fighting scene!
Zoro’s narration is one my favs! Him understanding what Nami had been and is going through and fighting for his nakama like he always does. He’s wonderfully written and you are quite eloquent.

OMG, Sanji just skywalked out of this mess. Wasn’t expecting this at all :’(. “…..leaving behind shattered bonds”. You’re damn right Zoro.

I’m not so sure about Cassian, is he genuine or shady. So he did asked about her past, I liked how Zoro started so cautious “I’m not even going to try to fix this mess for you, freaking perverted cook.” :D. His repeated thoughts of not having a part in this to finally bursting out. I thought the main fun had occurred earlier in the chapter but this part was my favorite. Again so much to quote 3.
Saorii D.Herondale chapter 11 . 6/11/2018
I honestly went back to read everything again. See the notification in my email right in my crisis that I have the disease 'I can't read any fanfic' I'm very glad you wrote, I'm starting to consider revising your perfil (when I get rid of my disease)

Yes, he was his safe harbor. Something to hold on to when she felt lonely and abandoned. Do you know the feeling of hurting someone and knowing that it doesn't matter? That person will not tell you anything? You transmitted it well.

I love this line: And the worst part? I will not even be mad at me. I will not shout at me. I will not say that I never want to see my stupid face again. I wish that we could just fight our way out of here.

AAAAAYYYY. I would like to leave you the review in spanish because there is so much (really a lot) that I want to tell you.

Comparing the current situation with one of their battles was very successful.

'[...] Once again, her eyes grazed Sanji. Maybe she was the sole reason that she was never ready to let herself fall in love with Cassian? ' THIS X100000 IN THE HEART IS NOT SENT. And a nail will never get another nail.

Many things happened, they must rediscover themselves and fall in love again. To know each other again and see the hurricane of love born again, to be swept away by last chapters have really wanted to hit the family of the groom.

I am very stupid for the fights (?) BUT THE SUNNY RETURNED AND WITH HIM HE LISTENS TO A YOHOHOHO. While I love the Sanji x Nami, I was very hurt by Brook's death, although he is already dead. YOHOHOHO His appearance blew me up. I have no complaints, no one should in fact. Thanks for write
EastBlue chapter 6 . 6/11/2018
Could not believe it has been the longest time away from stuff that I absolutely loved to read. Thankfully back on track to somewhat normal life and stoked to see how much chapters are there to enjoy!

So, its Franky’s time now. It was so sweet to see Franky talk of Nami like a sister. I could practically see Chopper dancing on his fancy intro, nice touch added. “There will always be the one you fail to do anything”, true. I loved how Franky reminded about Sunny, it’s a nakama as well.

I again loved Sanji’s musings, ”…..the most wonderful sound in the world into a living reminder of his failure”. “….both his love and the graceless knight drew strength from Nami’s presence, but only one of them was nourished by his survivor’s guilt”. Really beautiful way of explaining. I liked the wise stranger as well, I loved what he had to say in the last and the part about following dreams really affected me. I can go on quoting half the chapter, loved it!
Saorii D.Herondale chapter 10 . 4/23/2018
I read it in an hour D: I AM LO ANGST OF THE FIC. And to the unknown messengers. I cried when it became known that Brook died and that this was the break. When the song rang I felt bittersweet, yohohohoo. You already have time to update, but I still wanted to leave a review, I would like to detail more, but English is not my language, and my heart was shattered. For me Nami will cry more and scold them, while everyone flee from there, I do not know, it's the end I give you, you were about to finish it, I hope you are well and that you know that it is one of the most beautiful fics of this shipp .
EastBlue chapter 5 . 5/12/2017
Yayy! I am so hooked onto both stories. But as always, I don’t mind having breaks in between because each chapter is so good.

I loved Usopp’s POV, I liked the fact you had him very precisely noting the kids, their appearances and behavior, he was the Strawhats’ sharp shooter after all. Woah, so he’s married to Kaya.

“Nah they’re young, let them have..”-“WOW! See that nose, Mira?!”. Super funny, poor Usopp always being singled out. “Well, they came all the way over to their seats, why not give them a little show?”, Usopp is so adorable especially in his Sogeking mode. I agree about the kid being like Luffy, I loved his effervescence and friendliness. I think Usopp is like Nami when it comes to caring, kids and friendship, it was so nice that he deliberately let Mina hear what he said to the boy.
“Alone, but not forgotten. Silent, but not unheard. A knight is a knight, even fallen from grace, far away from all he ever cherished and loved.” Such beautiful lines.

Usopp story telling was amazing, I absolutely loved how you changed their lives into a moving kingdom of Sunny, Gruffy, Janji, Rami, Loro, Skellyman. Usopp’s improvisations and his occasional name drops, super cute. The backstory surprised me, was this real or Usopp toned it down for the children? Nevertheless, this gives an insight into why Sanji left them, Brook’s so selfless. I wish we also hear this from someone else’s perspective too, I wonder how hard it must be on Nami and Sanji, especially on Nami seeing Brook’s sacrifice for her. “His hand chained to a past and a princess he was desperately trying to forget”, Usopp’s musings were the best! I wanted to quote so many other beautiful lines, Usopp seems genuinely concerned about Sanji. Aww Mira hugged Sanji, I hope we see more of him soon. I’m so happy for Usopp and Kaya, they’re sweet. Great chapter!
Renillion chapter 5 . 5/11/2017
Excellent story. I've been following it since you started it, and I must say - it's getting very interesting :)

P.S.: Let me make a wild guess here - The giant frog monster with the face and two hands in this chapter - that was inspired by the "Demon of Song" boss from Dark Souls II, right? :D
EsVendetta chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
this is beautiful! I relish in the mature Sanji! I want this one around more often! please continue when you can! I will happily devour everything you write from here on out!
bahrocks chapter 4 . 4/21/2017
Hi, I was reading your story on tumblr now I'm here 3
When will Sanji and Nami see each other omggg can't wait
EastBlue chapter 4 . 4/16/2017
Oh, that’s so sweet of you, that made my day. I love your writing and enjoyed this chapter very much.

I was excited to know what was going on within Sanji’s head. Him trying to get drunk, “Even more so, you are not who, or what, for that matter, my heart is yearning for”, beautiful lines. It’s interesting to see him not being as much a ladies-man as he used to be. He sounds very suave and charming from his actions and thoughts.

I enjoy the wise mysterious guest and strawhats interaction in each chapter. I liked how Sanji spoke his heart out, hope he gets what he wants. Great chapter!
EastBlue chapter 3 . 4/13/2017
Again, excellent character musings continue. Luffy thinking about his friends, Sunny and the old times! He sounds very wise and thoughtful. The new guy introduced seems interesting. Looking forward to see what made Luffy change his mind about the wedding and how Sanji and the others are going to react. Do update soon, loved reading it.
EastBlue chapter 2 . 4/12/2017
Nami having Luffy's straw hat and Luffy being the father of the bride, adorable. I wonder why Sanji left her like that though both have feelings for each other still. As like the last chapter, each character's thread of thoughts is beautifully written. Loved how Robin is such a genuine friend.
EastBlue chapter 1 . 4/12/2017
Amazing! Very beautiful descriptions and Sanji's musings and inner turmoil were interesting to read. Sanji and Zoro's meeting was nice, I love the way they trash-talk, but are good friends nevertheless.

SanjixNami is my OTP too , happy to see a new good story on them. I wonder what happened between these two.
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