Reviews for Confused in Love
Mmicaqc chapter 1 . 7/11
Loved your version of FSOG!
Kim972 chapter 10 . 5/28
Thank you thank you thank you. You can do a sequel
Kim972 chapter 9 . 5/28
That was so sweet.
Kim972 chapter 8 . 5/28
her parents over reacted. they just juge him is not in one day they will get to know him. and you can't compare relationships. each one is different.
Kim972 chapter 7 . 5/28
Shut up Ana. And stop doubting your man girl don’t let Jane win girl fight for your man.
Kim972 chapter 6 . 5/28
Yea well I thought they would go at it like rabbits
Kim972 chapter 5 . 5/28
They are so... Why not talk about it? but they got interrupted bad timing for Jane’s arrival
Kim972 chapter 4 . 5/28
They are so cute, I loved Hallie caracter
Kim972 chapter 3 . 5/27
Well Elliott what have gotten into you to stay with a woman like Kate?
Kim972 chapter 2 . 5/27
I love it
Kim972 chapter 1 . 5/27
So Ana is not a virgin ok can do with that
wkathryn71 chapter 10 . 3/26
Come on finish this please
GeorgiaPeach33829 chapter 10 . 3/5
I just found this story and it is fantastic! I don’t know how I have missed it for so long. I love the character development you did with Christian. As usual Ana was a breath of fresh air. I wish we could have seen some conversation between Jane and Kate or Janes POV after she went to meet with Christian. But still your story was great and thank you for writing it.
shellz71 chapter 10 . 1/11
wow great story i really enjoyed it thank you
Tammi chapter 10 . 10/17/2019
Just re,-read this still my favourite ff ever
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