Reviews for Fragments
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5
This is so beautiful. I’m glad that Robin remembered.
d'evilregal chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
OMG! Yes! I absolutely love everything about this and I truly wish this happened in the show! I always said it was almost like he returned as the darker part of himself much like the Evil Queen/ Regina split. Please please update soon xx
LongLostLover chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
Oh wow! Thank you for this amazing blessing this fic tuly is! I haven't experienced such a hurracane of emotions for a while. This is such an emotion and tear provoking story, I wish it was cannon now! Thank you for making it right by these two wonderful complex characters that they are not some cardboard figurines the show was so good at trying to turn them into. I'm addicted to all your fanfiction, Lisa, but I should say that this one is by far superior. All the turmoil Regina had to go through with the second version of Robin Hood, the mixed feelings and mixed signals the other Robin must have been getting while in a new realm and faced with all the expectations to be like another person, their pull towards one another as any and all versions of themselves in any realm... it's all there! My life has somehow been enriched by this wonderful long story you seem to have put a lot of how you feel as well, I believe. Thank you once again.
iheartluna chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
I think this fic should be a multi chapter not just a OS though. but its beautiful and I like to see more of DarkOQ
idoltina chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
I stopped consuming the canon after 05.16 and won't consume again, and I opted out of reading any canon based work after that because I just wasn't in a place where I felt I could handle it. I feel more relaxed now, more liberated and less emotionally charged, so I've slowly started going back through the pieces I opted out of based on the canon context to give things a try, and THIS FIC, YO.

One of my favorite things about your work and the way you approach relational dynamics is that you're not afraid to lean into the grittier, less pleasant parts of this right from the get-go, and that you carry that through the whole piece. There's a distinction between Now and Then, this Robin and her Robin, and there isn't an instant, simple magical fix. Magical at some point, sure, and simple in retrospect, perhaps, but you don't shy away from the harder parts of it, the parts that hurt like a bitch and the parts that are frustrating and the parts they can't overcome. And even in all of that, you don't lose sight of the thread of hope that makes them what they are, and it makes this piece so much more than anything the canon could have ever hoped to do with this.

So thank you for writing it, and sharing it. It's a piece I want on my rec list for years to come.
stacy.krugman chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
I love this! I have a thing for wish Robin fic it fics right now and this one fit the bill and then some. Looove the way TLK was weaved in. Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Omg part 2 now please
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
I noticed you didn't mark this as complete. I hope that was not an accident. THIS IS WHAT THE SHOW SHOULD HAVE BEEN. You write words so well and you write OQ even better. I am constantly reading and rereading your ficus. All your efforts are totally worth it. I am such a happy and satisfied OQ ff fan of yours! Thank you!
Ellie chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
kimberwc chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
Wow! I freaking LOVE this story!. Hope there's more to come! I gave everyone up on the show, and am so glad that that the characters not only live on, but shine, due to writers like you. Thanks!
catatran33 chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
I read this last night, and it was extremely cathartic for my shipper heart. There were definitely a few tears. It was wonderfully well-written, and the plotline is similar to my own theories of how the old Robin could come back. Charming's kiss broke the spell of a vengeful Snow back in Season 1, so why can't Regina's kiss restore Robin of Locksley to Robin Hood (eventually, as this story suggests)?

Thanks for writing :)
MMK96 chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
This was soooo beautiful! Everything an OQer could want. Thank you :)
OQForever chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
Loved this, it was soooo good. If only the show would do this. I didn't want this to end, I found myself wanting more.
veroOrea18 chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
Omggggg, this is officially one of my favorites fics. Thank you so much for it. Ik you don't know but it was a great birthday gift for me.
NoraMills chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
Can you write the show. Please
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