Reviews for (THE REAL!) Not Another Emerson
Ravensoul93 chapter 24 . 2/1
I really love this story! You just portraied the boys and the relationships within the family so perfect. I just couldn't stop reading. I hope so much you will pick up writing again, because I need to know what comes next and how they are going to get rid of James.
Seeing just how many people are following you I think you deserve mch more credit and reviews to let you know how you are doing.
jgood27 chapter 24 . 7/7/2019
Love this story and cant wait to read more
Guest chapter 24 . 6/4/2019
Update soon please I really want David to kill James already.
Miss.J.Nori chapter 24 . 5/31/2019
This chapter was awesome! So much going on with Faer and now David, Max and the boys know what James looks like, and it’s exciting to see what’s going to happen. There is so much anticipation with how David is going to approach killing James and Faer and his brothers safe, but at the same time Faer is determined to keep her boyfriend and his brothers safe and she will do whatever she has to do to keep them safe. Thank you for this update and I hope you continue soon.
MissRuthless chapter 24 . 5/30/2019
Omg! I loved loved loved loved loved loved this update! So good! Oh the deeper we get into this story the more I’m scared for David and the boys. I completely understand why Faer has been so reluctant to tell them who James is, and I don’t blame her for wanting to protect them. They aren’t as powerful as they think they are. James has a lot of men behind him helping him. As a reader I have never been so scared of a human character as I am of this James guy. The way Faer talks about him he just seems so sinister. And it’s scary. I think in the long run Faer could sacrifice herself to save David and the boys from James and maybe in doing that that’s how she’ll become a vampire or she doesn’t make it at all and David loses him mate. I just think from everything we readers have read that the reason Faer hasn’t drank yet from the bottle is because she needs to be human to save the boys and her mate. Either way if she becomes a vampire or not I don’t think Faer is going to come out of this whole situation alive. That’s just my theory. I’m so excited for what’s to come and what marko is up to with Faer and James’s goons. Can’t wait for more. Amazing chapter. David finally has a face to the name James.
bravesfan152001 chapter 24 . 5/30/2019
I hope they catch james soon so she can move on and be with david...
Miss.J.Nori chapter 23 . 3/26/2019
I love love love love this story! How have I never found this story before now? The way your write David and the boys is so true to character. I love David in this story. He’s a jackass, but still very much cares for his girl, and will do whatever he has to do to protect her. Faer is such an amazing character. She’s strong but vulnerable and little broken thanks to her jackass of an ex, but I hope David and the boys rip him apart when they get their hands on him, but I have a feeling faer’s ex is going to be a real problem for the boys.

I see you haven’t updated in almost a year, but I really really really hope you continue this story. You have me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Beautiful writing.
MissRuthless chapter 21 . 2/7/2019
This chapter seriously had me laughing at Paul and Marko. First with the trash and them playing rock, paper, scissors to see who took out the trash. And poor Paul thinking the ladies will never come near him again smelling like trash. And then the boys feeling a chill go down their spine after faer told David that marko and Paul have been telling her about his exploits. Hahahahaha! That had me laughing. I love those two. Well I’m glad David and the boys were able to find the entrance to the other part of the hotel. Does that cat have anything to do with the moon goddess? I wonder. Well it looks like David and faer are going to be having some fun with the marking. FINALLY David made faer his girl. It’s official.
MissRuthless chapter 20 . 2/6/2019
This chapter was awesome. I always felt that there was more to the cave in the movie than we ever got to see, which sucked, but I’m so glad you’re writing it into your story. Seriously what is up with that cat? Ok this was the first time faer ever frustrated the hell outta me. David is calling out to her and she’s having this internal argument with herself. I understand that she wanted at day away by herself, it come on faer how could you not even think for a second, and I know she’s emotionally drained and all of that, but how could she not think that David would not over react when he saw that she was missing from the bed. She knows David’s temper and she knows how he is. She’s a very very smart girl and how could she think that he wouldn’t overreact, and than she makes it worse but running away from him again, but than again I understand because him yelling at her and his temper probably reminded her a lot James. Like I said I understand she wanted to get away and try to have a little peace to herself, but she so went the wrong way about it. I felt for David at the end there with him being so frustrated and scared for his mate. Like you can really see that he will do anything to keep her safe from any harm, and he just wants her close to him. I could have just imagined if he had been able to get her back into the main part of the cave he would have shook her and then he would have kissed the hell outta her. Lol
MissRuthless chapter 19 . 2/6/2019
Oh David, David, David! Why would you do that to your girl!? He seriously messed up with not telling faer what they were planning. I don’t blame her from running away from David. Poor faer feeling like she no other way out. David has a lot of making up to do.
MissRuthless chapter 18 . 2/6/2019
I hate James even more! What max said was scary about James’s intentions towards faer were so dark that even Max’s magic couldn’t drive him away! Scary. Yay for grandpa Emerson! He’s such a badass. A badass til the end.
MissRuthless chapter 17 . 2/6/2019
Look at David calling faer his girl. I love it. Poor faer having to deal with all this emotional shit with James. Ugh James is an ASS! I can’t wait for David to rip him apart.
MissRuthless chapter 14 . 2/6/2019
My heart breaks for faer with having those horrible nightmares because of her ex. I’m glad David made her tell him a little about what she went through. The end with David just laying there hold faer while she slept was my favorite part of this chapter. It’s showing the slow development of their relationship, and how at peace David is slowly starting to feel with her.
MissRuthless chapter 13 . 2/5/2019
So much in the chapter. So many feelings when it comes to david. Pissed at him for the way he talked to faer about how she was nothing new and just another face in the crowed and then sad for David when he finally admits to his brothers why he doesn’t want to accept the mating bond between himself and faer. David breaking down like that was heartbreaking. The way he feels is justified. Max and Star are to blame and it sucks thaf David has this fear because of them of losing his brothers. I’m glad Dwayne was able to talk to David and get to the bottom of what was really going on with David and how they all understand. This was a really amazing chapte with so many factors. What is max up to now? Was it really necessary for him to spy on the boys?
MissRuthless chapter 12 . 2/4/2019
Poor faer! Those cramps are no joke. David is blind and max gave him the reality check that he needed and finally telling David that he and faer are mates. Oh David. Ok faer sitting on Marko’s lap was HILARIOUS! I was laughing so hard because I could totally see in my head marko with his little Cheshire Cat grin holding faer on his lap and David ready to throttle him. Max is still pissing me off. Can’t he see the damage he has done to his boys for leaving them to die. That’s horrible. Ugh! Max needs a reality check. Let’s see how David deals with the whole mate situation.
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