Reviews for And Victoria Makes Three
Goldenfightergirl chapter 92 . 9/3
Um, E.M.P. Blasts can still destroy electronics regardless if they are on or off. Only way to save them is by shielding them in a Faraday Cage. The spotlights are still connected to the main power line even if they are drawing small amounts of electronic energy.
Steph1215 chapter 1 . 5/24
Love it
Turner1999 chapter 115 . 4/27
Just wanted to write that this story was absolutely brilliant to read - so much emotion and such detail story telling. Definitely one of my favourites - you’re an amazing writer
kor.op chapter 115 . 1/16
oh my gosh! I cannot believe this is the end! this book is so good! you're such an amazing author... I'm looking forward to read your other books
xLaBellaVita chapter 115 . 1/13
Loved this story sooooo much! Thank your for being a great writer
kor.op chapter 81 . 1/12
every time I read the author's note I am so convinced that you are a freaking genius!
kor.op chapter 33 . 1/4
vic is just awesome!
UnknownReaderHasJoined chapter 97 . 9/5/2018
Cant believe that I'm almost done! I dont read enough soulmate stories or the triad sorts, so this was definitely a fav! I'm sad its almost done, closer to the end.
Random. But, This chapter, I had to skip a chunk cause of the exaggerated accent. I'm from Texas, and hearing and reading didnt quite work well in its favor. For me, at least. I got a little frustrated trying to understand her. Hearing her talk, yea, no prob. I love hearing the accents. It's cute for her character. Love it!
animexchick chapter 115 . 8/15/2018
Took about 3 days worth of binging but finally managed to finished this and all I can say is oh. My. God! This was just beyond brilliant, my heart was in my throat more times than I can count and practically lived on the edge of my seat during the second and third acts with Rumlow and Sin. The whole story was just utterly brilliant!
CharitinaX chapter 115 . 7/14/2018
There’s that one scene in an episode of futurama which is particularly memorable in that it shows people overcoming all sorts of different social stigmas in the future—except for the idea of polygamy, which gets repeatedly rejected by a chorus of “NO!”

That being said, I adore this story most because it normalizes the idea of three people being in a relationship in a very realistic way that other threesome relationship stories I’ve read in the past just haven’t managed to. Most stories still fall flat when it comes to the actual reasoning for putting three people in a relationship instead of the normal two, with their reasons usually being something along the lines of “it makes for really good sex” haha. Also kudos to you for actually finishing a story, that’s more than most people on this site can claim.
Paula sullivan chapter 115 . 5/25/2018
I started reading this without looking at the author. I saw 115 chapters and got excited. A story to realIy binge! I then saw an A/N referencing 1983 Star which is one of my favorite fanfics. It's Unajet! Yay! So glad to have stumbled upon another one of your stories. You are a fantastic storyteller amd I loved this story immensely!
EclipseRosen chapter 16 . 3/8/2018
Hey on chapter 16 it's in their twice like right after they talk about the last time Bucky has been tortured. right afterwards it's the beginning of the chapter again
Guest chapter 67 . 1/4/2018
it kind of bugs me that Steve and Bucky seem to have no relationship or no intimacy, they are soul mates after all but they have barely even comforted each other
Pinnney chapter 20 . 1/2/2018
I’m rereading right now and I don’t remember reading this in a chapter before so I wanted to ask: was there a chapter where we got to see Bruce observe/test Victoria’s skills? I think I remember it being mentioned in a later chapter and I was like “Oh wait, it already happened?” haha!
Thank you!
Guest chapter 115 . 12/13/2017
Could you please write a sequel to this. I would love to see Howard and Diana grow up and get together. It would be cute. Especially if the daddies go all protective father over it all.
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