Reviews for As Time Goes By
DS2010 chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
Got to love the bath scene.
Sue Dooley chapter 11 . 7/22/2019
Perfection. Tiva forever.
I agree with all you wrote in the first paragraph.
Sue Dooley chapter 12 . 7/22/2019
Fabulous writing. Feels. Tiva forever.
misspatchesmom chapter 12 . 4/16/2019
Bittersweet chapter; sad yet hopeful at the same time
DS2010 chapter 12 . 4/16/2019
Loved Ziva's thoughts
DS2010 chapter 11 . 4/16/2019
Like the memories of Tony helping Ziva after Somalia
Sue Dooley chapter 11 . 2/25/2019
Terrific chapter. They comfort each other. Tiva forever.
Sue Dooley chapter 10 . 2/24/2019
Hot and steamy. Great. Tiva forever.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/5/2019
I love these 2 and I don't seem to get enough of them!
Lynn Estridge chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I love Tiva and you're helping through their absence!
misspatchesmom chapter 11 . 12/5/2018
The way it should have been!
NCIS-Kingdom chapter 4 . 9/14/2018
I completely loved Tali and Tony's conversation! Haha, this is one of my all time favs so far! So descriptive and detailed with Tony not knowing how to explain himself. Tali is so special and sweet. The ending was the best part though- extremely accurate. I could picture the scene so perfectly. Wonderful job! Loving this!
NCIS-Kingdom chapter 3 . 9/14/2018
Great job on C! I liked the tempo and I am such a fan of your detail. One of my favorite parts was describing Ziva to Tony at the beginning. Every aspect was so accurate. I cannot wait to read on!
NCIS-Kingdom chapter 2 . 9/13/2018
Why haven't I been here already? You write so well! I'm already on B and this is really compelling! The two of them are so good together and you capture their essence! Can't wait to read more! I so need to find more time to read and write. Hope you continue on this story though! Keep at it!
skater1263 chapter 10 . 8/5/2018
I can't wait to see what happens with the letter K and beyond! :)
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