Reviews for Redefining Robin
Batman dude chapter 14 . 5/6/2017
Hi i hope everything's alright and you can update asap I'm really looking forward to your next stories so yep update soon please
JokerFan2011 chapter 14 . 5/4/2017
Hey...just wanted to drop a note saying that I hope your break has been going well, and say how much I am looking forward to you resuming your writing and posting.
Heathglen chapter 14 . 5/4/2017
I really enjoyed your story. Truly, I did. It's refreshing to come upon a fanfic author that can actually WRITE, in terms of spelling, punctuation, grammar ...ect,. Clearly, you took the time to proof read and edit your work, it shows. Kudos for that.

There were a few details that kind of nagged at me throughout the story though. For instance, I kept thinking about Robin's level of dehydration. A human can go 3 weeks without food before any major problems occur, but only 3 days without water. I'm not necessarily saying you should give Robin access to water, but I feel like you could have really capitalized on some thirst related agony.

I was little bummed out when your villain , right at the start, straight out told our heroes "I"m here to break you, Robin, and this is how I'm going to do it." Yes, it's important that the reads know this information, but don't you think that by just knowing the goal, Batman and Robin would be able to stop him from getting in their heads? Wouldn't it be much harder for them if they were just hanging there thinking, "Why is he doing this to us?" ? I think they'd go nuts just trying to figure it out.

I did like that you had Robin's mask be "the final straw," as it were. When you wrote that there was one more thing left to his identity, I said to myself, "Yeah, his cape." I totally forgot about his mask! But it was so obvious and perfect! Way better than the cape.

I did find the chapter where Batman escapes to be a bit confusing to read. There was a lot going on there, and many things are happening at the same time. A bit more description would have been useful in helping me to visualize the scene.

I loved Robin when you wrote him being cocky. Fantastic. The running gag about his hair was great. This is exactly how I think Robin should be.

My final critic would be about your ending. Or endings, rather. You have three of them. 1. When they escape with the henchmen. 2. When they are sitting on the street outside the police station. 3. When Robin takes down Kirik. The ends of the first two scenes really slow down, making it quite jarring to find that there's more action afterwards. I think it could possibly be fixed by adding a real sense of urgency and haste. You know, like, "Quick, Robin is going to die of dehydration if we don't get him back to the bat cave, but, oh no! we have to get this crooks to the police station first, or they will escape. What a dilemma!" That sort of thing. Obvious it would take more than that, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

I'm not trying to nit-pick your story. I really, really like it, and therefore, I think it's worth it to give you an honest and constructive review. As I said, you can write and it's obvious that you put some real effort into it. Seems only fair that I put some real effort into reading and reviewing it. This is the first story of yours that I have read, but I now plan to read them all. Excellent work.
Blas chapter 14 . 4/28/2017
Hey checking in I hope everything is doing good I hope your vacation is doing well i can't wait until you post your new story I'm always checking before school after school and once every couple of hours so that's all hope ur doing alright )
JokerFan2011 chapter 14 . 4/20/2017
WOW...this was an awesome story, and an amazing ending. I love how Robin never stopped fighting back, and I enjoyed his teenager humor (such as his hair questions). Of course in this story Robin still had Batman in the room to help him stay focused and positive. This might have been why Kirik could not break him. As I read this story, I kept thinking what if Robin were alone with Kirik. So I am very happy to hear you have a plan for a sequel. I cannot wait for round two of Robin vs. Kirik. I am also looking forward to your other two new stories.

Enjoy your break...please don't make it too long. I ,like most of your fans, am so looking forward to your return and these new stories. Thanks!
Psyche Castle chapter 14 . 4/16/2017
Yay! GO ROBIN! I can't wait for the sequel and more stories from you!
Batman dude chapter 14 . 4/16/2017
"If you don't succeed try try again" man it really sucks when a villian hears that saying great story
Owan chapter 14 . 4/16/2017
Great two chapters I can't wait unti "Growing Pains" and "Untitled one" ;)
Batman dude chapter 12 . 4/15/2017
Great chapter I can't wait for "Growing Pains" and for the one after that
Blas chapter 12 . 4/15/2017
Yeah there back at HQ now one question why didn't Gordon and O'hara put him in a jail sell when he came in I mean there should be some at HQ "Gothams Finest" (says sarcasticly) update soon
Blas chapter 11 . 4/13/2017
OMG great chapter well I know who u mean by life happens u have a family u have more then just writing can u tell us the name of your next story so we can look out for it that would be great, I can't wait till next chapter I really now what u mean by life happens trust me i hope everything is going to be alright
Psyche Castle chapter 11 . 4/13/2017
Yay! They're out! I am so excited for more! You are an amazing writer!
Batman dude chapter 10 . 4/13/2017
Hey it's been almost a week I'm really worried please update as soon as you can
Owan chapter 10 . 4/12/2017
Ok im worried i hope u and ur family r alright please update soon i must know what happens
JokerFan2011 chapter 10 . 4/12/2017
Please update soon...don't leave us hanging :-)
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