Reviews for Today 'They' Won the Battle
kikinette11 chapter 26 . 9/19/2018
Je viens de lire ta fic et je voulais te féliciter
Tu arrives très bien à transmettre les émotions des personnages
Et tes max et Alec sont parfait et j'apprécie qu'ils ne tombent pas dans les bras l'un de l'autre en 3 chapitres.
J'aimerais qu'il y ait une suite et fin à ton histoire
Encore bravo
Punkie chapter 26 . 5/2/2016
Wow this is an awesome story, I'm sad it never got finished. But I loved reading it, even if I balled my eyes out through some of it. You are an excellent writer and I hope you come back to this story one day.
shawnakat1 chapter 26 . 11/27/2015
so, when will 'next time' be? cause I'd love to see this finished
Guest chapter 26 . 8/31/2015
Love this story still!
Jen10Jen chapter 26 . 4/2/2015
God, I want to smack Logan so bad right now. I know it's been years, but hope springs eternal. Fingers crossed this gets an update soon.
Jen10Jen chapter 17 . 4/2/2015
Oh, Logan. Way to be a tool.
Jen10Jen chapter 5 . 4/1/2015
Jeez, whenever I stumble across a fic that has Alec having a kid with another X5 my stomach just drops and it's incredibly uncomfortable. Crazy that I can be so invested in fictional characters and their lives.
DA Fan 494452 chapter 26 . 11/2/2013
I really enjoyed this story. Hope you finish it one day.
Luv2Co chapter 26 . 6/22/2013
Crap, there aren't any more chapters to read. I never hated Logan as much as I do this moment. Given that this story hasn't been updated since 06, I am going to assume I won't get a resolution. Like Logan gone period. Oh well. Enjoyed it up to this moment. Thanks for sharing.
Ana chapter 26 . 12/14/2011
Aargh! I've been devouring this story, only to find out that it stops with a horrible cliffhanger! It looks like it's been awhile since you've updated, I'm hoping that you haven't abandoned it completely. Alex needs to know that he's gonna get another chance to be a daddy, and he and Max deserve to be together after all you've put them through in this story! And Logan needs to get his ass handed to him! Please consider finishing this story? Pretty please?

Thanks for the enjoyment I've gotten reading it.
The Fallen Angel 13 chapter 26 . 6/11/2011
hello where is the next chapter

it's been 5 years

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Caruka chapter 26 . 3/24/2011
Are you planning to finish this history...
Caruka chapter 20 . 3/24/2011
Caruka chapter 17 . 3/24/2011
So, Logan is a moron...
Caruka chapter 15 . 3/24/2011
I knew that White was evil but harming a baby... even for him its too much...
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