Reviews for First Meeting
ImATrooper chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
ooo i really like this one. i love the concept of immediate attraction between these two, and you delivered that and more. thanks for sharing!
Maxenby chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
I can't stop reading your work, and I hope you continue. I haven't cheack how long it's been since you've written, but I hope youre still active.
Nat Tonks chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
It was wonderful. Lovely. I liked every bit of it. And I do like better long one shots. I really like Mad eye there, that Remus was reading a muggle classic, that she knew the book, the rare hamburger, the fact that the marauders babysitted Tonks and finally that you think Tonks is Remus only love. You're are really good at what you do so don't ever stop.