Reviews for Inheritance of the Legendary Duelists
Zerosonic animations chapter 13 . 5/3
I wish you continued this story it's really great
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13
When why hope to create that new story
Guilher79867735 chapter 14 . 4/13
just don't use 2 many ocs , the story tends to lose it's horiginal Focus , but damn another fic cancelled
Megalon 61 chapter 14 . 2/2
If u want my opinion there is someone that Gose by the name of star eyes pendulum dragon he's made Pokemon x yugioh arc v and vrian's cross over stories and the main character is ash he or she is a very good writer and has talent if u want my opinion I recommend try reading some of his or her stories there very good and well written maybe u can gets some ideas and inspiration from his or her stories I read plenty of stories from there and they feel like an actual part of the anime and in character to if you're looking for ideas for a Pokemon cross over I recommend looking at some of star eyes pendulum dragons stories
Guest chapter 13 . 1/7
Hope we see new updates this year we didn’t see any last year please upload new chapters this is a awesome crossover story ever!
Guest chapter 13 . 12/3/2019
Say when you update this awesome story for the arc league championship ash uses ritual monsters that make Declan interests into the summon that haven't been use in years creates new ritual cards some of them ritual d/d/d monsters and yuya, zuzu, and celina become interests into ritual summoning aswell yuya getting odd-eyes ritual dragon, spellcaster, or warrior diva ritual monsters, and lunalight ritual monster that be awesome ritual summoning didn't get much action in the series.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/19/2019
Shroued absol there going to be new dark magician & dark magician girl cards and odd-eyes cards there is new spells, traps, and monsters that work for both dark magician & dark magician girl along with the fusion of dark magician & dark magician girl call dark magicians the ultimate wizard now for odd-eyes odd-eyes wizard dragon and odd-eyes rebellion dragon overlord xyz monsters for yuya hope we could them use them in the story when you update it that be awesome!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/29/2019
Oh could there be phantasmal hope claw, shield, and blade, phantasmal magnet warriors, along with a monsters call phantasmal hope weapon Leo arms phantasmal emperor hope ray a upgrade version of it, phantasmal emperor hope victory, phantasmal emperor hope beyond, and phantasmal emperor hope dragon also a spell card call rank up magic phantasmal force for xyz monsters.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/28/2019
Please update this amazing story so not only does Leo akaba has the spirit of the millennium ring in his army probably controling yuri and working behind the scenes but has the big five working for him will we see arkana, strings, and yumi Marik working with leo akaba with strings and yumi Marik having the evil versions of the Egyptian god cards that would be awesome!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
Please update
Guest chapter 13 . 10/4/2019
Shrouded absol when are going to see a new chapter soon could we see ash, yuya, and the others take on a deck master duel and there are new blue-eyes cards, dark magician and dark magician girl cards out and coming soon also if the spirit of the millenium ring out could he have the powers of the seal of orichalcos that be awesome!
SephirothTrueHeartlessAngel chapter 13 . 9/6/2019
interesting...where's the next chapter?
Guest chapter 13 . 8/23/2019
Shrouded absol there is a new blue-eyes fusion form, dark-magician girl form, a new dark magician ritual form, new gadget support cards, and new summoned skull support cards in ritual, fusion, xyz, and synchro hope we could see ash use them in his duels when the new chapters comes out soon that would be awesome!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/28/2019
Could we see ash give yuya and his friends the ability to see duel spirits that would be awesome! Oh and ps update this story been over months now please don't give up on it this is the best story we have ever read.
thedr.beat51891 chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
rip story
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