Reviews for Bigger Bed
Guest chapter 18 . 9/15
It has been 4 months since your last update. Hope you are well!
I am so looking forward to an update, wish to see this great story contiune!
bre 42 chapter 18 . 5/24
Interesting chapter. Maka has been through a lot and from the sound of it, she'll be going through more before the end. Keep up the great work
bre 42 chapter 3 . 5/12
Hello, revisiting previously read chapters before moving on to ones I haven't read. That cat and mouse scene still makes me laugh. It's so cheesy and really cute
keigowo chapter 18 . 4/29
It kinda confused me since I thought that this fanfic was only gonna have light similarities to the real manga/anime. What I mean is that I assumed that this would be more of Maka meeting Soul, them falling for each other, and then beating bad guys, while meeting Blackstar, Tsubaki, Death, and the others along the way. But when you added the whole school ark it kinda confused me. Its like a whole different story. And leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions. Like, What happened to Maka and Soul? What happened to her job? Where is her cat? The chapter itself was great. It kept me interested and was very productive with successfully introduceing new characters. But It feels like it was meant for another story. I know what I've said may have been harsh, but don't take it too personally. Writing is challenging and takes time. But just understand that this is a really freaking amazing premise and I think that you can really turn it into something legendary. So don't let it get you down, instead let it inspire you.
*also sorry for the long review lol*
Broomhilda14 chapter 18 . 4/11
I am loving this. So wholesome so good.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8
I’ve read, and reread this story. I’m beginning to believe that you have so many thoughts and ideas for this story. That you don’t know which to pursue, so you end up adding them all in. In doing so you end up contradicting, or entirely changing what has already been previously established in the story. When this happens in something I’ve taken the time to entertain myself with I’m left feeling irritated and annoyed that an author would have such a low standard in their writing.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/7
In Chapter 10 we learn “Maka” was teased in high school about her height and weight. That she was institutionalized and has a form of PTSD, and went on to switch schools and change her name. That she was friends with “Kid”, who attended college with soul who learned of “Maka” via “Kid”. Now in chapter 18 “Maka’s” high school experience sounds very different since she now attends the DWMA. “Blake” even comments that not much has changed in her small physical appearance. I’m curious to find out if this large loop hole in your characters back story was planned, or if you like many authors just forgot what you had already written, and expect your readers to overlook this hole.
Pepin-Bones chapter 18 . 4/8
I was so happy to see you updated! Thanks for sharing and still working through all of this. Stay safe and healthy!
SleepinBeautyK chapter 18 . 4/5
Hhm so maybe Soul and Maka meet up with someone from her past?
SleepinBeautyK chapter 17 . 3/18
I read this story in a day... and like I need more chapters to know what happens next.
yolananimeshorts chapter 17 . 12/27/2019
You are an amazing author and I truly appreciate this work. I binged it in two days and may I say you are a creative writer. Keep up the good work.
Xana Willam chapter 17 . 12/24/2019
Great story very well done
DragonWarrior318 chapter 17 . 12/19/2019
Thanks for the update. It was good. I can’t wait to read what you have next.
hazelantonette chapter 17 . 12/18/2019
i love it! please update all of your stories! i love them all and i cant wait to read them!
kyolihk chapter 16 . 12/9/2019
Please come back and update this one! This is such a cliffhanger T_T
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