Reviews for Hypercompetent Cranes
Ashigara's Wolf chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
This one look pretty good
CuttySark chapter 8 . 8/17/2017
Heh, nice. Are you gunning for E X Yammie?
LuckyP chapter 8 . 8/16/2017
Omg I'm dying! This is so damn funny Omg!
CuttySark chapter 5 . 7/17/2017
A bit too fast on burying the hatchet imho. I think keeping some animosity for a while would be more interesting. But still, interested on the way the story is going. I wonder if this is the kind of zuikaku that is okay with polygamy because damn she sure has a lot of ships noticing her.
LuckyP chapter 7 . 7/1/2017
So good. I love the story but I will say I did notice areas where there was maybe a word missing and stuff. No need to worry, it doesn't ruin anything it's just a few times it happened. Other than that it was perfect, keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/7/2017
Good concept, only thing is that it needs an editor/beta reader. I have been pondering over making an account to help for some time, but let's see where this goes for a while first.
LuckyP chapter 4 . 5/15/2017
So Damn good I don't even care about any grammar mistakes it's really good. (Some people can't manage to get a story to flow so it seems more like a list but this definitely has a flow)
LuckyP chapter 3 . 4/13/2017
Americans? Ooo... This is getting so good. Wonder what placing Zui with US shipgirls will do or accomplish.
iZuikaku chapter 2 . 4/6/2017
I hope you add a chapter were Enterprise is introduced as the lover of Zuikaku, seeing the jealousy in Kaga's eye would make this story even more in depth
Anonymous chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
As much as I think Kaga's taking a bit too much heat here, especially since cohesion in a military unit is important, I'm all for hypercompetent ZuiZui.

Maybe some friendly sporting competitions between her and the rest of the carriers on base, where only E and Sara can match or give the cranes a run for their money.
Karzach chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
I feel Kaga's taking more heat in this story then she necessarily deserves. By no means does she not need a boot shoved up her "Pride of the IJN" stern, however I feel Goto should also be handing out some tongue lashings to the rest of carrier divisions 1 and 5. Why?

I'm forced to make a few assumptions about the background of your fic just due to a lack of details, but they seem to add up to what you have written.

1. Kaga (and probably Akagi) was summoned before Zuikaku.
2. The cranes have been back for presumably a minimum of 3-4 months (the Shoukagi pairing has a minimum of 2 months spent dating, presumably a 1-2 month lead up to deciding to date) and, I would guess they've been back even longer than that, probably on a 8ish month duration
3. That's plenty of time for the cranes to figure out Kaga's deficiencies, work out better training regimes, and implement them.
4. Zuikaku tried to help Kaga, but 1stCarDiv pride meant Kaga wouldn't listen
5. None of the other carriers brought this issue to Admiral Goto's attention

Putting all of that together, and adding that to Goto's own comments about hubris being the enemy, we have a situation in which all of the carrier's decided that HELPING Kaga maintain her illusion of superiority to the potential detriment of the carrier divisions and the war against the abyssals as a whole was better than politely telling Goto that Kaga's pride as a carrier was getting in the way of her effectiveness, but she won't listen to us about it. Zuikaku could have said that she has this new training regime she would like implemented for the carriers and here are the benefits of it in action. Kaga might not be willing to listen to Zuikaku, but pretty sure she'll follow orders.

With the situation as is, that means the rest of the carriers have now created a situation in which Kaga has months upon months of being an egotistical bitch thrown back in her face, by the one person she was convinced she was superior to. Even worse, that person LET her do it, like an indulgent parent.

To continue the pain train, Kaga as a whole seems to be characterized as building her identity around being "1stCarDiv Kaga, Pride of the Imperial Japanese Navy." Now she knows that's a lie, that her entire worldview is a lie.

TL;DR, Goto should reprimand the other carriers for letting this situation get as bad as it has and for not bringing it to his attention once it was clear the problem could not be resolved in house.
LuckyP chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
At first I read this on AO3 and I couldn't help the grin I had. Always wanted Kaga to be put in her place and realize Zuikaku and Shoukaku's worth. Very good story so far and I am looking forward to reading more.