Reviews for Consequences
deathwearsblack chapter 40 . 7/20
please update.
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 40 . 2/12
More please
PrincessSerenity96 chapter 39 . 12/16/2019
I am in love with your story! Please update soon! Curious to see if there really is something wrong with Rogers... maybe T'Challa can be put on house arrest at Stark Tower?
Mistress Saturn1 chapter 39 . 10/11/2019
Great chapter, I can't wait to see the showdown between Laura and Clint.
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 39 . 9/5/2019
More please
Shadows Curse chapter 38 . 6/1/2019
love this
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 38 . 5/22/2019
More please
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 37 . 5/15/2019
More please
Shadows Curse chapter 37 . 4/16/2019
thank you so much for updating!
ButterfliesInTheSkies chapter 36 . 1/10/2019
Hi, I really like your story and I can’t wait for the next update!
Shadows Curse chapter 36 . 1/7/2019
your spoiling us wintersgoddess1983! so many chapters in just as many days this is beautiful! Also this chapter is very well done, and Sharon calling Tony, Boss is adorable.
Dancouga01-23 chapter 35 . 1/7/2019
Meh Another bad fanfic where they are dedicated to throwing pests to characters? Did not it become clear after Infinity War, all that matter of the agreements were insignificant? Do you think that Thanos is interested in that? If they had been together, they would not have lost. all this drama in fanfiction and other sites is so childish, not even in the movies was well written. Steve hid the truth from Tony about the death of his parents. Yes, and? I'm sure Natasha knew it too, and maybe also Fury. do the ooc characters, just to label hate is so anti-critical and anti-writer, to make characters like Peter, gay without motive or having said that more in canon, it contradicts it, and worse, to be wanted by a man over thirty. What is wrong with the author? Does apology to pedophilia? write the characters that were part of Steve's side, so ooc, only to "punish" them because they did not like them, or sn of the Iron Man, child stan. They are two years old or more, and are they still fighting? Steve would never demand anything from T'challa, nor would he act pre-op. in fact, I leave Wakanda in canon, after dekar to Bucky, getting along with Sam, Wanda, Clint, Scott, and Natasha; and going around the world acting as secret repositories against terrorist organizations, dismantling them. that is read in comics, they were not wasting time in Wakanda nor acting preptentes. All this is ridiculous, I want Thanos to appear and kill ALL. It would be the only story where I would want this. bad fic, not recommended.
Shadows Curse chapter 34 . 1/6/2019
I've read this story a number of times and my love for it is still growing! I can't wait for this to be updated.
anaquino chapter 28 . 8/13/2018
Lo amo! gracias por subir tu historia. Espero con ansias el próximo capítulo
gunman chapter 22 . 3/28/2018
Yeah. Not very friendly.
Like the heroes were set up to fail.
On every front.
Feel sorry for them.
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