Reviews for Shooting in the Dark
Lexan chapter 9 . 5/2/2018
Just got to this cleaning out my to read file. I love it and hope you continue!
Ness fan 01 chapter 9 . 2/4/2018
I hope Killian doesn’t somehow get accused of killing Neal. Or Emma. But I imagine it will be one of them. Thanks for the update.
Dave Beck chapter 9 . 1/31/2018
I am loving this story, I work night shifts and enjoy reading your stories with Hook and Emma.
Anonymous189 chapter 9 . 1/28/2018
I just read these first 9 chapters. You have set the stage for a lot to happen. Good story. Looking forward to more.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/26/2018
Thanks for the update. I know the exchange between MM and Emma came off bitter but it was all true. I just think you have written MM a little too flighty. She did experience loss in her life. She did not have a role model for a mother so giving up her child as a teenager is not a stretch for her character.
PastOneonta chapter 9 . 1/24/2018
I still can't imagine who would kill Neal. Maybe it had something to do with the investigation of items at the docks. Killian and David will figure it out.

Poor Emma is having a hard time. She will have to answer Henry's questions about his dad at some point as he grows up. She is hard on her mom and feels terribly bad about it. She is hard on Killian and feels bad. Killian gets it though, he understands Emma and her distance and defensiveness. He will support her in any way he can.

MM, honestly, was too much, asking about Neal because she is a sucker for a love story. Asking about Neal because "I would love to know how you two met and what drew you to him". She can tell Emma doesn't want to talk about it! The facts that Emma has shared are clear that it wasn't a romance. It happened, they cared about each other for a while, Neal ran. MM should see this. She is unable to see past herself. I am not knocking this character, she is well written, she fits the story. I felt bad for both of them in this chapter. I hope it will resolve.

So Killian is taking a tipsy Emma home. A date on the boat is planned. It will be lovely. Thanks for coming back to this story, we know you are busy.
Andria chapter 9 . 1/23/2018
I hope Emma and mm can find some common ground. I feel so bad for Emma in this chapter. I hope they find Neal's killer soon I am curious to know who it is
Taino Delsan13 chapter 8 . 7/7/2017
Oh my damn will Gold think Emma kill him because her hand and Neal was stabbed? Will Killian think dhe did it or was it August? So many questions gracias for updating
Guest chapter 8 . 7/6/2017
Ok, is this going to be like the first season except Neal is a real victim and Emma is the prime suspect? Love the possibilities. Will MM or David stand by Emma despite the evidence.
PastOneonta chapter 8 . 7/6/2017
Did not expect Neal to be 'taking a nap'. That was a big surprise. I worry that it will have a bigger effect on Emma than she would think. She's emotionally distant from it but she did love home once. Lots of potential for shifts to the story with this death. Who is a suspect? I also think Emma is fighting her attraction to Killian. He has to be careful too, David has already talked to him and if he (Killian) pushes Emma too hard she will just run. Interesting, I wonder what happened with Neal.
princesseslikepirates chapter 8 . 7/6/2017
Ooh, I was not expecting that twist! I'm guessing that Emma's going to become a suspect. Sneaking around looking for Neal and then ending up with a cut hand in the process doesn't look good for her.
Ness fan 01 chapter 8 . 7/5/2017
I did not expect this twist. Right now I'm wondering if Emma will be a suspect. And will Killian wonder if Emma was involved due to her hand injury. Oh, they were both at the docks. Will they both be suspects? I can just see Gold trying to pin it on them. Can't wait for the next chapter.
andria chapter 8 . 7/5/2017
wow this just got real heavy I hope they find out who did it soon
hogwartswonderland chapter 8 . 7/5/2017
Oooh! This certainly has taken an unexpected turn! I like how you have now added a murder mystery to the plot. Now, I do have one question. Is Regina closer to age to Mary Margret or is she a bit older? You have explained the ages of some of the characters (Ruby, David, Killian, ect.) but I am curious about the Zelina/Robin/Regina dynamic.
Bransch chapter 8 . 7/5/2017
Oooooo! Great new installment. Can't wait for more!
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