Reviews for Fugue
Guest chapter 8 . 5/22/2017
I love the characterisation and interaction between alto and xeno! I love this whole fic so much, thank you for writing!
Bop chapter 8 . 5/14/2017
Just saying, Mordimort also has wings.
W chapter 4 . 4/19/2017
Nice sprite edit...I can imagine him being totally embarrassed wearing that...
And another excellently written chapter, yay! You have this great balance of giving nice details but not going overboard with it, I love it.

Xeno/Klaus's tuning made perfect sense and the set up and conclusion were awesome. Of course he would be having some of the same problems Hilda was'll probably be lots more tunings before he's totally OK though, huh? Now I'm wondering what a "goddess" Klaus would like, haha.

And Alto is clueless and perfectly in-character. Thanks again for writing this and posting for us to read! :D
W chapter 3 . 4/18/2017
More great chapters. The writing continues to be excellent. I'm almost jealous...but I'm not because I'm enjoying reading this too much :)
I'm super excited to see how everything goes.
Also, I like the musical themed titles for everything. It's interesting to think about how they tie in to the story.
And you wrote more about Giselle, which makes me so happy (it's just a small thing, though, everything about the story is wonderful so far).
Sense Data chapter 2 . 4/13/2017
This is very lovely. I liked how you tied in both meanings of the fugue into this story. Seeing that you've used terms based on the opera, will you be doing various opera terms later on? You have a clear understanding on when each character makes there quip and how!

Anyways, I've enjoyed this. I was saddened that the game gave out no opportunity to save Xeno...I would like to see more from you here. Cheers! Still, this is already a good conclusion.
W chapter 1 . 4/12/2017
Wow, this is really great. I love the idea, and it raises so many more questions and possibilities...all the descriptions are good, the characterizations are all perfect, everything fits perfectly with Stella Glow and its characters which makes me love it all the more, like this could've actually been in the game.

I sincerely hope there will be more chapters. (not to pressure you though...even just this one chapter this was nice...)
Thank you so much for writing this, it's always nice to see Stella glow fics, especially when they're this awesome and well-written :D

...I don't think I could've gotten through the final fight if I'd had to leave Giselle behind, haha.