Reviews for Remorse
ChloeRulz chapter 1 . 12/3/2018
Nice story. I'm always so surprised that people see the darker side of characters that are designed for a comedy. This was a nice deep dive on that. I love seeing Ray focused stories!
PicassoPenguin chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
: ) !
IBD Ninja chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
Ooh can you type up the whole story of what happened?
Mandi chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
Truth be told, I'm having a bit of an issue explaining why I love this fic so much! First off, I am pretty much addicted to hurt/comfort fics, especially with the dynamic that hurt!Henry and protective!Ray would have. I love the moral dilemma that Ray is having over his actions and how he acknowledges that it went too far, but he is willing to do anything to protect Henry. It's an interesting conflict between Ray's duty as a hero and his relationship with Henry. It's a bit more introspective than Ray typically seems to do, but in the situation, it definitely makes sense, especially since the fic is a bit more of a "realistic reality" universe than the show. (Definitely not a bad thing either! I love when fics inject a bit of reality into a show like Henry Danger's universe.)

The writing is lovely and incredibly well written. I love how you added small bits of flashback dialogue to really show why Ray just lost it. It gives it more impact while still having that bit of unknown to let us imagine the situation. I know I already said it, but I just love the writing style! It's descriptive, but not clunky and it works well for the story type!

Your interpretation of Ray's relationship with Henry is amazing, and I just love it so much! I feel like it's a bit more of a serious and realistic depiction of the show's relationship, but it definitely translates well! Ray tends to let Henry, and even Charlotte, handle their own for the most part it seems, but there are just little moments that make me squeal with his relationship to them. (Namely, the cannon scene in Indestructible Henry! The way Ray kind of protectively grabs Charlotte when she stumbles after the cannon goes off and the absolute distraught behavior when he thinks he's killed Henry. Ugh, I loved it.) Sorry, that got off a bit off topic with that bit.

Anyways, I would absolutely love, love, love to see more of your Henry Danger fics and I'm hoping that you will be publishing new ones soon! (I'd read your other two fics, but character death is a no-no for me and the other one doesn't seem to be my type of fic.) I'm not sure if you take prompts or anything, but I'd really love to see what happened to Henry in the fic and how Ray and Schwoz and Charlotte and Jasper react and respond to it. Or honestly, any fic that deals with how villains wouldn't likely have a real issue with harming Henry or the consequences to the dangerous fights he regularly involves himself in. (I caught the tail end of Love Muffin a few minutes ago, and I have to ask, how on earth did Henry not just pass out? Ray's established as pretty strong and the kid was taking some pretty hard hits, even for a sidekick.) If you do post more, and you're alright with it, could you possibly message me with it? My account on here is BeautifulHalfBlood.

Basically, the point of this long, rambling review is that I adore the the story, the writing, the characters, everything! It's just so awesome and I just- *flails* I feel like that kind of just sums it all up, lol. *flails and shrieks in excitement*
Atarya QueenofEgypt chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
This is a really good chapter. Update soon. Do you mind if I give you a suggestion? Imagine if Henry had a girlfriend, who, let's just say is Captain Man's daughter who is My OC, Cheyenne. She can be Captain Woman in the story. What do you think? PM me back.
Anomaly90 chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
Wow this was sooo good
Miss Girl chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
Was that MARTHA FRIKIN JONES when i saw that i was really hoping to see 10th Doctor in this i but it was good...MARTHA JONES!