Reviews for Natsu of the Darkness
AadenHelan chapter 38 . 7/18
you know it's doesn't really make any sense since someone who was indulge in darkness taught by a dragon of darkness AND awaken E.N.D the original demon of Zeref who can be said a death magic itself scared by a darkness it's like son of hades scared of a necromancer.

sure Natsu can be scared of the pressure of the magic or killing intent but dark nature of darkness? it is a void nature so Natsu who trained, a demon and users of dakrness shouldn't have any problem with the darkness itself then again that E.N.D is a fake as hell or just incomplete because it's next to useless, its like Kurama but newborn
AadenHelan chapter 30 . 7/17
eh with random guys like Hanshiro around for 9 years im suprised that Fairy Tail still stand, because honestly Natsu is weak as hell, i know it's for fighting scenes purpose but the power level on this fic is all over the places sometimes they are strong the next moment they became next to borderline useless

and its a suprising thing that Lucy doesn't have any new siblings because Layla was captured for over 9 years
AadenHelan chapter 10 . 7/17
You know i forgot about this fic and decide to reread it, and mother daugthter for the win
Guest chapter 48 . 7/11
"And strangely, you seemed not to wow you Juvia, haven't you?" Gray whispered.

I can't figure out what this is?
Vincent balmes chapter 48 . 7/11
Hey bro hope you got my message from april 17 man I need to know what you think on what i've said before and hope to get an answer from you man also awesome story bro I've got good ideas for your fanfiction in natsu of the darkness after the edolas arc is finished bro
lawgane47355 chapter 48 . 7/11
Awesome chapter and I can't wait for the next one
NinjaFang1331 chapter 48 . 7/11
Excellent update
Imperial-samaB chapter 48 . 7/11
However long it takes is how long it takes. You did good my friend and that's for sure
JCarrasco chapter 48 . 7/11
Keep it up I love this story please.
altajir95 chapter 48 . 7/11
Awesome chapter. Which Natsu and others managed to arrive on Edolas to save their friends. Good to see Edolas Ur there. Looking forward for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 47 . 5/31
Put Kinana in the harem.
lawgane47355 chapter 47 . 5/29
Great chapter by the way. Also you're writing had become much more fluid, it flows better, and I also like that you have added Tyrrak to this story. Keep it up and I can't wait for the next chapter
irmacamila2007 chapter 4 . 5/23
Oops corona-
Guest chapter 34 . 5/15
Neptune: I know where you live.
Me: *takes Aquarius hostage* Reverse Uno
Hxxdiekid chapter 13 . 5/16
I wonder, could Natsu use his abyss dragon slayer magic to erase his motion sickness? I feel like he should be able to honestly.
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