Reviews for Night Light
Guest chapter 3 . 9/17/2019
I just finished chapter 3. Good thinking with the whole my disguise . Ur writing is really good. And I like how u make the magical objects such as potions and stuff normal lol. Hard to adapt from video games.
91Silver chapter 23 . 12/29/2018
Hum, wasn’t expecting that. The ending felt a bit rushed, could have used a bit more foreshadowing, but I do have to applaud that you even went the ‘darkest timeline’ route and didn’t back out. It isn’t very common to do so in fan fiction.

Still, I am a sucker for happy endings, so I’m going to pop over to that ending now. :)

Epicsaroundme chapter 22 . 3/28/2018

At first I was just concerned I wouldn't get the happy ending because it wasn't marked as complete, and when you throw in the false rescues it hurts and really needs to have a real rescue to balance the sadness, and I was very hesitantly like 'the light is weird there shouldn't be light where was the noise oh this better be some crystal power' and then it turns out to be the slaughter of millions. Gladio, you fail as a bodyguard, you always should check if your Highly Identifiable Vehicle is safe before continued travel, honestly.

Actually the whole slipping back and forth between Prompto's current state of imprisonment and time when he was a child was a masterful way of showing his slipping grip on reality while also provoking a deeper emotional reaction.

So yes please to a happy ending fic, as I did enjoy the overall story and will be sending this to my friend since I believe it is once again my turn to send the story to try and activate the most feels in the other. I would definitely appreciate a happy scene so I don't have to make one up in messages as we scream back and forth at each other while she yells at me for inflicting more pain while still trying to get back at me for the human mask.
So thanks for the suffering :)
RRina chapter 22 . 10/19/2017
The only word escape from my mouth after I finish your story is "WHAT!?"
Oh... I'm sorry for the guys. But at least, like you said, they be together in afterlife. But I still "what!?" anyway.
Thanks for sharing. I'm shocking with your ending. Just need a moment! But it's OK.
Nice work! Thank you!
OnceUponAPotter chapter 3 . 10/8/2017
So he still ran away, just alot latter than canon?
OnceUponAPotter chapter 2 . 10/8/2017
Noo! No kill Prompto!
Weaselandcherry chapter 21 . 9/17/2017
Yesss! Praise the gods he's finally saved Prompto! I couldn't be more relieved for the kid.
Also, I just couldn't get enough of the Loqi feels in the beginning. Their relationship seems very precious and innocent despite the age differences?
I wonder what the aftermath of being held by Ardyn's going to be like as well...? Hopefully, eveyone makes up quickly and gets back to Insomnia.
I do wonder why the invasion was delayed? Very suspicious. I did think it was very generous and humane of Ardyn to off Loqi before he turned. Brownie points for me!
Nice job and keep up the good work! I can't wait for more.
Happy writing!
Silvermane1 chapter 21 . 9/13/2017
Fantastic update
Silvermane1 chapter 20 . 8/26/2017
Fantastic update
Weaselandcherry chapter 20 . 8/14/2017
Ugh, that point where Prompto almost cried and then did cried got me.
Darn, I was hoping Ardyn wouldn't do something 'Ardyn-like' and go off and destroy Insomnia. Hopefully certain people won't die? (winkwink)
Glad our boy, Prompto, is holdin' in there! I was literally just waiting for him to punch out Ardyn and make a quick dash for it quite honestly, but I knew that was unlikely (sadly), hahah
You updated at the perfect time. I was hoping something good would update! Keep up the good work!
Happy writing!
Weaselandcherry chapter 19 . 8/8/2017
Okay... that was cute, hahaha. Dare I say I enjoyed reading about those two. What's even their ship name?- Lompto- Poqi? Haha, anyways, I liked reading about Prompto's past.
And thank the heavens the trio is finally going to rescue Prompt. I keep thinking about how they lost time already and have to travel an extra two days, but they wouldn't have had to if they just went and got him in the first place, smh. Then, I thought how easily Ignis and Gladio caved when Noctis went all "kingly" on them and figured that they were just waiting for that moment but still... that thought didn't sit well with me either.
That blush at the end though, hehe.
I can't wait for moreKeep up the fabulous work!
Happy writing!
Flamenbionicnemo chapter 19 . 8/7/2017
I can't remember, is Loqi dead? I don't remember if you killed him or not.
secretofflameviii8 chapter 19 . 8/7/2017
Crap, I posted my review for chapter 19 on chapter 1. I feel really dumb now. But, any way. Let me post it on the right chapter. Sorry about that.-

It was nice seeing some of Prompto's background. The poor thing. It would be interesting to see Noct, Ignis and Gladio's reaction to what had been done to Prompto in his past. I wonder who it was that was by their car. I really hope it wasn't a brain washed Prompto. I'm almost scared now. I can't wait for the reunion or at least a happy-ish one.
secretofflameviii8 chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
It was nice seeing some of Prompto's background. The poor thing. It would be interesting to see Noct, Ignis and Gladio's reaction to what had been done to Prompto in his past. I wonder who it was that was by their car. I really hope it wasn't a brain washed Prompto. I'm almost scared now. I can't wait for the reunion or at least a happy-ish one.
Weaselandcherry chapter 18 . 7/28/2017
Ugh, what's Ardyn up to~? I need to know for Prompto's sake (and also for my heart, haha). Hopefully, Prompto can gather the courage and strength to escape or Noctis hurries and comes to his aid.
Keep up the nice work! I can't wait to see what happens.
Happy writing!
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