Reviews for Perspectives: Littlefoot
bryan mccloud chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
you know, you should write a one shot story about chomper where after he and ruby joins the great valley.

where one of the adults who still don't trust chomper stated that leaf eaters don't play with meat eaters when chomper wants to play with their child together.
Keijo6 chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
It was certainly a nice idea to do a story about two competing perspectives about this single meeting and the events that unfolded in the aftermath. The lessons of the parents and the encounter after them were done greatly in both stories and they managed to deepen the personalities of the two during their early childhood while respecting the different "cultures" of the herds.

In this story, the overall atmosphere was executed very nicely, having the warmer, more positive feeling of the two stories. The dialogue and Littlefoot's inner thoughts worked nicely and it was really pleasant to see the four longnecks together for the last day. Also, Grandpa's story was realistic and understandable and underlined the most important skill in the Mysterious Beyond.

In the end scene, the impact of Grandpa's story and Littlefoot's natural curiosity were intertwined very nicely and the scene was a good way to continue the duo's relationship. The scene when Littlefoot talks to his reflection and Cera's reaction to it were hilarious. The way this whole sequence was done was really worked due to it's funny dialogue and descriptions and the ending was a good way to show that Littlefoot's loneliness didn't suit him at all.