Reviews for Golden Thorns
Boho chapter 49 . 6/30
well when you are going to update it . It is time to do it ! Come on!
KookiePie1025 chapter 49 . 4/7
So well written...vivid. Please let Orihime return to Ichigo soon!
Guest chapter 49 . 3/18
Hello! I stayed up until midnight reading all 49 chapters. Love it! Hope you keep going!
Guest chapter 49 . 2/26
When’s the next update!
OrihimeKurosakiInoue chapter 49 . 2/24
Great chap
ThinkICannot chapter 49 . 2/17
Ok I couldn't put your story down this entire weekend, gah! It's such a unique take and hero's journey type stories are my life! Hmmmm I don't know much about inspiration, but I was once told "A joyful mind is an open mind". Not sure if that helps but it's helped me :)
Guest chapter 13 . 2/15
Ok I'm supposed to be getting ready for something and I have been reading this story all night and morning. Holy smokes is it good! I'm not logged in right now but I can't put this down! Are you an author in real life?! I would totally throw money at your books.

Anyway running late, can't wait to come back and read more since I'm only on chapter 13!
Ndncken chapter 49 . 2/12
I hope I’m not the only one who reads this story. Excuse I absolutely adore this story! I can’t wait for your next update!
makixp chapter 49 . 1/26
Awww! I'm looking forward to see Ichigo and Orihime together again!

Thank for your great work
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 49 . 1/20
Aaarghh! Why can’t the golden one speak to the chosen one, mind to mind?! It’s killing me.. *sobs*. I can’t wait for them to see each other again *sigh*. Wicked is bored.. lol! So grimmy. Thanks for the update! More plz.
Guest chapter 49 . 1/19
I missed Ichigo and Orihime being together so much. I appreciate they can communicate through Rukia, if only for a little. Orihime thinking about Ichigo made me super happy. Thanks so much for the update!
foxfang27 chapter 48 . 12/5/2019
I was so excited to see an email notification from this story! I would love to read more about that fire orb (?) and Ichigo's nightmares! Can't wait to have Hime and Ichigo back together, stirring up trouble again! Looking forward to the next chapter! Lots of love! 3
Guest chapter 48 . 12/1/2019
I am excited you are continuing with story. I have missed Ichigo and wondered what was going on with Bonnie. As for Orihime’s POV, I think you did a great job showing her great military tactical skills as a general. I was surprised to see Cuyler’s POV; Orihime has another admirer. Much as Ryley and his brothers are interesting characters, I am eager for Orihime to be reunited with Ichigo after she finishes leading the North’s defense.
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 48 . 12/1/2019
wahh! too short, I want more! *sigh*. I’m glad you’re back! :) Please continue, I always want a happy ending between Ichigo and Orihime. It would be a nightmare not to complete this beautiful story *clutching heart*. All the scenes are great but if I have to choose one, I like the last scene *blush* ehem.. but I’m imagining it as Orihime and Ichigo *grins*. Thank you for the update! For a Happy Christmas, please update soon ;p
OrihimeKurosakiInoue chapter 47 . 10/19/2019
Great story
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