Reviews for Eisenkreuz Imouto
Ironzilla24 chapter 1 . 6/1
A good read for the GuP fanfic reader filled with great character moments and a fantastic story telling. The fanfic takes place around the events of Tea and Cola (another story) with the premise of a gigantic senshado tournament "war" full of supply fighting and infantry battles. This fanfic is fantastic with it's story driven elements and dramatic combat interactions, but I highly recommend reading Tea and Cola to truly immerse yourself in the work. Skip to the conclusion if you don't want spoilers.

Plot: This right here is the strongest element of the story. The fanfic progresses smoothly with twists and turns coupled with good writing, allowing a combination of surprising and heartfelt moments. Watching the pov change to many other character views is not a first for the author, but is done very well in this story arguably better (In comparison to Tea and Cola).

Characters: Unfortunately in comparison with the Author's tie-in fanfic, Tea and Cola, this story in comparison fumbles the ball a bit. Don't get me wrong, the author once again flashes a very close emulation of character personalities true to the media and is still enjoyable to read with the story presenting many fun and exciting moments for readers to get hooked on to. (watching dialogue between Erika and Yukari is something I never knew I'd enjoy a lot). However there are a few moments when the (notably main) characters behave in a manner which contradicts the official source material such as the anime and various other official manga. Take Miho's bad view of her empathy and thinking on being "too nice", an arc that the anime addressed that had her eventually grow into accepting and embracing that. Or Maho's cruel actions taken when she's the Iron Maiden, really stretching the reader's sense of belief if we take into account that she's still a high school student. Thankfully these situations and more and up to only a handful but do drag down the otherwise good characterization in the fanfic.

Problems: The fanfic is dotted with violent KMM decision making and overly extreme handling of certain situations which gave me an eye roll more than once. Let's tackle the first point with the questionable decisions of the Iron Maiden. What KMM did to Jajka was wrong. Forced labour, prolonged solitude, exposure to the elements, deprivation of food, denial of basic sanitation, all over the course of a tough day and a freezing raining night. This is a horrible treatment of a fellow senshado commander and spits in the face of the "safety" rules set in the tie-in fanfic Tea and Cola. Then we have Maho kicking some Anzio girl because she didn't talk. Almost never did a character in GuP intentionally do something to hurt another person in such a manner and seeing someone like Maho treat people like that comes off questionable considering that she's still a relatively normal person. The moment could've been downplayed but still contain that emotional impact, but what makes the situation worse is the explanation of the event being "okay cuz it's dramatic lol" which is a poor handling for a situation that should never be applied when a student's safety is being infringed. This and other situations in the fic are portrayed with this unnecessary extremeness which more often than not ruins scenes. Tea and Cola also plays similar extreme scenes, but the diction and theme of "real death" present in that fanfic leads readers to believe it is purposefully dramatized and does not happen exactly as the words play it off to be. This fanfic on the other hand has none of that and treats these scenes without the feeling of kayfabe essentially ruining the tempo of the novel to add this extra violence. This leads us to believe someone like Maho is a person capable of violently hurting other kids and torture them just to win a compitition.

Conclusion: Unfortunate this story gets its tempo destroyed for unnecessary character breaks with certain situations that straight up ignore important character development presented in official media. However, even taking all of this into account the fanfic is still a good read. There clearly was a lot of dedication to story and character dialogue, enforced by the partner fanfic "Tea and Cola", and watching the story unfold from an exciting chase to a huge lurking plan was a joy to read. Although the fanfic hasn't been updated in a while it is still worth trying out and I recommend it in conjunction with Tea and Cola.


PS: this fanfic does the "Story with Yuri" instead of "Yuri with GuP"
Wardaddy1945 chapter 1 . 5/26
If you really think about it, Oorai is basically the German Wehrmacht, while Kurimorimine is the SS. Oorai wears gray uniforms that resemble Wehrmacht uniforms, and Kurimorimine wears uniforms that resemble the SS Panzer divisions. So Oorai shouldn’t really be considered the Japanese team when Chi-Ha-Tan is the literal embodiment of The Imperial Japanese Army.
But I digress. Still a good story! Please finish! I want to know who wins this Game Of Thrones and Panzer!
Kokina Tenshi chapter 7 . 9/13/2019
Hi there! Wanted to say amazing fanfic! Both Tea and Cola and this one!

Have read both of your works twice now cause it was soooooo greaaaat! The detail of your work is superb! Definitely one of the best!

Hoping you would continue this fanfic! Will be waiting for chapter 8!

Much live and support always!
Joshua Kenway chapter 7 . 3/19/2019
I came here for Maho caring for her little sister. Got a bit of that and some more. Guess I'll be sticking about til the wars over. The writing is definitely not bad and totally in character. Would love to help write some of this for you.
Truestm chapter 7 . 1/8/2018
I only read the bellwall section of 7, I’ll read the rest later, but I gotta say: wow! You did that perfectly because that’s exactly how bellwall works. They’d duke it out with each other and then ‘surprise bish’ they turn and wreck you. Also the thing about the teams relationship with Emi is totally accurate.

Now then, I have a fanfic of your fanfic freshly posted(aka in an hour when fanfiction gets off their asses). Can you do the honors of giving it a read? #noticemesenpai
DeltaMed910 chapter 6 . 9/26/2017
I love this story! Keep it going please! I love your comedy in dialogue, like referring to Saori as a short stack, that was hilarious.
Truestm chapter 5 . 9/20/2017
After catching up on tea and cola and reading through all five chapters, this is what I have to say:

Glorious bastard list: Yukari, Erika, Erwin, EMI NAKAFRIGGINSUGA, Nonna, Anchovy, and finally Maho herself.

Regular bastard list: Mika

Poor _ because they're being blocked from Miho or Maho: Erika, Erwin, and Yukari.

Anyway on from memes to review:
Another pairing I don't like, another story that makes me want to change my mind. While tea and cola feels like they're only reacting to everything, this actually feels like there's initiative and I find that fitting for the names their alliances have.

Excuse me while I fangasm but YAS EMI ADSFAGIOC! Bellwall is by far my favorite school and you absolutely nailed Emi! Job well done there!

Maho and company seem to have a good grasp on the situation, although frankly I feel like them not guessing Anzio instantly as atleast a major possibility is a stretch bordering on cop-out considering who gave them the information and lead them into the ambushes.

Mika's reveal; Reading through Tea and Cola I was about 90% sure it was Jatkosota, but when anzio became obvious I assumed it was just them, meaning the reveal still surprised me... I want them to burn, I have a personal Vendetta against them.
DarkAges85 chapter 4 . 8/22/2017
This is a very good story. Normally, I'm more of the pairing Miho X Erika (Has its reasons ;-)) but the pairing of Miho and Maho is very well implemented. And as with Tea and Cola, I'm very curious how it goes on. Please continue.
wedgegeck chapter 4 . 8/14/2017
Really enjoying the story and pairing so far. Do you intend to expand on the competition outlined in the world, or just show it in the story? Either way it should be fun!
Sckorpio chapter 3 . 7/18/2017
This fanfiction made me rewatch the entirety of Girls und Panzer, and read all the manga. Its an interesting story and your writing is very good, my only complaint is how long it has been since the last update. Hope some more comes soon Kuugen.
RoseBloodmane chapter 3 . 6/29/2017
Yeah this is definitely a Miho X Maho story I had a felling it might be. Anyways that's a very interesting pair. Only other pairs I find as interesting is Miho X Anzu, Miho x Saki, and Miho X Alice.
RoseBloodmane chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
This story sound like it could either be an Miho x Alice or Miho X Maho. However I'll need to read it thoroughly to be sure on that unless you feel like enlightening me.
MarsAres chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
This is a strong start to another good story. I'm a fan of Tea and Cola and was interested in this when you mentioned that you were writing a sister story. Personally, I prefer the Miho x Yukari pairing, but you're writing has proven to be really good, so I'm curious to see where you take this.

I do have a couple of points to make, particularly in the dialogue. The dialogue itself is actually fantastic! Fanfic writers don't tend to have good dialogue, but yours is very solid. It actually flows like a real conversation, like these are words being spoken by real people. The banter, the serious talks, the transition between the two (like in Tea and Cola ch4 where Darjeeling is trying to get some work done but Kay can't stay focused for too long), it's all on point. It's the little things.
But, I sometimes find it difficult to keep up because of the lack of dialogue tags. Dialogue tags are a pain the ass, I know, there's only so many ways you can paraphrase "she said" before you feel like it's getting awkward, and I'm all for abandoning them, but when the characters go back and forth when chatting, it'd be nice to have a dialogue tag thrown in the middle, just to make sure I'm keeping up with it. Sometimes I can get lost and be like "wait, who was talking again?". Especially when there's three people in the conversation, I think you abandon dialogue tags a little too quickly. This is present in Tea and Cola as well.

And then there's the German. In Tea and Cola it makes sense to write all the dialogue in the person's language, because we can feel as lost as Darjeeling and Kay, the two focus characters, who are both speaking English. However, in Eisenkreuz, Maho has just as important of an important PoV as Miho, so it'd be nice to see what she's saying. Not only that, but she's going to be speaking German A LOT, so I think writing a lot of her dialogue in German is a bad idea.

Keep up the good work!
Krugger chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
Erwin Yukari
Sodoko Mako
You got 2 of my favorite pairings going already plus Yukai getting to show how touch she is. Trying to decide what military group Yukari. I swear if you do Yuzu and Momo or Oryou and Saemonza I am would be complete.

Aside from the wonderful pairings this is an awesome flip side of the main story. Really excited about the tornament I have no idea who I expect to win anymore, and I love it
WarHusky2000 chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
First of all, too many German words that I can't keep up. Secondly, I'm surprised that the sister story was posted faster than I suspected! Keep it up! And it's actually weird... at the start of Tea and Cola, Kay and Darjeeling started their kiss in chapter 1. But this? This is very different! Pls! Keep it up!