Reviews for The Road to Hell
Alden chapter 28 . 6/8
Pardon my candor, but I came to this fic because I was looking for erotica. In all honesty, your sex scenes suck, but you're story is really fun. I didn't get what I came for, but I got something better. :)

I may have binged the story this past 3 hours.

I like the fact that Lucifer is trying to get over his family issues, and I like that he's doing his best to be a good dad. I'm looking forward to seeing if Lucifer spoiling them rotten will have an effect on the adults they turn out to be. I'm looking forward to them having to explain the seeming age difference between Chloe and Lucifer. What happens when the kids realize that they're immortal and will watch all their friends and their mother die of old age!

Immortality is an interesting and depressing thing to explore! I've read a few books that have tackled the subject. They're always interesting.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/4
Guest chapter 3 . 11/25/2019
lose not loose
SammySwan2298 chapter 27 . 11/15/2019
This was adorable!
sexysorceress3001 chapter 22 . 9/6/2019
I'm dying at the virile and manly comment lmfao
Guest chapter 28 . 9/3/2019
Amazing story. I was giggling out loud. I hope to read more. You wrote it very well.
Guest chapter 27 . 6/9/2019
Sorry for the previous post. I just discovered the sequel on your home page. Great! More daddy Lucifer!
Guest chapter 28 . 6/9/2019
Did you just give on this? I was so surprised at this ending as you'd marked your story complete. Well, thanks for sharing the 28 chapters; I really enjoyed that your Chloe married Lucifer and had children with him. She's such a clod in most stories and now that i've read some fan fiction i realise that she's rather one dimensional in the TV shows ie just a very beautiful face who says 'no' all the time. I'm so glad you managed to breathe life into her. Great story!
hummergirlnv chapter 28 . 3/23/2019
this was a very enjoyable story, but what happens later?
bettywalker97 chapter 1 . 1/10/2019
love it.
the-power-of-love chapter 28 . 1/10/2019
off to part two i go
Patougv chapter 1 . 12/2/2018
Good story. I would like to know what happens next...
Jolly Writer 2.0 chapter 28 . 8/29/2018
Hi! I'm Jolly. I've been reading your stories for a while now. And by that, I mean I've read each -Lucifer- one at least 2 or 3 times. You have no idea how much I've wanted a story where Chloe and Lucifer have a kid and raise them. I repeat, "raise them" because most, if not all, have them having a kid and the story ends. Though I thought this would be the same, that ending gave hope to there being more to come. I love the dynamic between Chloe and Lucifer, I like this idea of them meeting before Chloe got too serious with Dan, so that the story from the TV series actually starts when they have been together on Earth for ten years. I just, I love it.

On a serious note, I did notice that the same day you updated and completed this story, you also published all your short stories that go along with it. It was also the same day that you last updated your profile. Meaning it's been a year since there has been any noticeable activity from you. Not even your favorite stories can really tell me much since they were all published before 2017. Though I'd love for you to come back and continue your story, especially the TV series' story-line with this new version of the crew, maybe even a few more shorts with the twins a little younger then 5-7, I just want to know that you're ok. Even if I don't update for a while, I have a way of showing that I'm ok, so I just hope that you are. Even if you're not coming back to finish your series, as long as your healthy and doing fine, I can happily imagine what happens in the story.
NZMidwife chapter 26 . 10/20/2017
I like the relationship you've created between these characters, and I understand your setting is the USA, where this kind of birth is 'normal', but such a shame to have birthed in this way. Congrats on not going the surgical route.
LillyHalliwell chapter 28 . 7/22/2017
The last few chapters felt rushed, but they did seem cover the last bits of the story without leaving a cliffhanger which was very much appreciated. I thought the plot was pretty interesting too, I thought the whole idea was rather fascinating and tied really well into the story. Hope to see a sequel or more stories soon!
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