Reviews for For Love
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22
Looking forward to the update
Pom Rania chapter 9 . 5/15
It's annoying to leave comments on ffnet, plus I have a headache, but I like this story.

Damn, YEAH, how WOULD one go about trying to avert the Massacre, with only the soft power of a child?

Ah yeeeah, that "I hadn't thought I'd get this far" panic.

Damn, Sarutobi showing up... this could either go really well, or really poorly.

VERY good, that someone faced with Itachi at this stage SHOULD be afraid, regardless of what they've heard. And someone who is truly devoted, is more dangerous than any madman.

Wait, did Itachi see all of Hinata's worst memories?! Because holy cow.

Hm, why had Itachi's parents acquiesced to it like that...?

Okay, now it would have been interesting to see Itachi try and help Hinata behind the scenes, but this way makes a lot of sense, and keeps the story about her. And like, it's really the only thing that makes sense, given what Obito experienced here.

Personally, my favourite Itachi interpretation is "his plan was terrible because he was a teenager put into an intolerable situation, and once he had some time to actually think then it was already too late". It's tragic, because the nature of tragedy is that things COULD have been better, but they were the agents of their own destruction despite their good intentions.

Just had a thought. Amaterasu would have consumed his body, right? So nobody would necessarily know that he's dead.
Lyra Musica chapter 9 . 5/6
Okay! I am absolutely loving this fic so far! I don't think I have ever read a fic that has Hinata time traveling from an alternate reality where Naruto did kill Pain.

I love how you made Hinata so badass and the fact that she can practice and develop more in her growing body will probably only make her stronger.

Kid!NaruHina is absolutely the cutest thing ever! Naruto having a small crush on Hinata is so adorable too and it even makes sense since he did end up falling for Hinata in canon so it only makes sense that being friends with Hinata so early would make him fall for her more quickly.

I am happy things did work out better for kid!Neji since Hizashi was able to get through to him before his death. Also, I love that you implied that NejiTen happens in the future. They are my other favorite pairing besides NaruHina :D

I love kid!Sasuke too. He was actually so adorable before he became so consumed with revenge. Even though seeing the Uchihas dead will probably fuck him up, he has Hinata on his side (where she will probably try to talk him out of going mad) and was able to see Itachi as not as heartless killer at the end of the massacre.

I also like Hiashi. He is more likable in this fic and seems to be much more rational than he was at the start of the canon series.

NO ITACHI :*( You definitely surprised me alright! I was so excited to see him help Hinata until that happened. Goddamn it, Obito :(

Something I am so curious about is if the teams will stay the same. On one hand, they may keep Hinata on Team 8 so they can be a tracking team but on the other hand, the Hokage is well aware of Hinata's friendships with Naruto and Sasuke, and because she is top of the class instead of Sakura, it can shake things up!

Anyways, I am excited to see where you go from here. You are a fantastic writer :) I really wanna see what becomes of Hinata, Sasuke, and Naruto (I imagine he will be scared to death when he sees what happened to his one best friend and crush).
PrettyQueen chapter 9 . 5/4
I’m so happy you updated! This chapter was truly a treat to read. I was really surprised at how you ended up resolving the Uchiha massacre but I can’t say it was unsatisfactory, I feel like Hinata should really be careful on how she does things because Madara will definitely be on high alert from now on. I’m eagerly anticipating the next chapter but plsss take your time x
v.ren55 chapter 1 . 5/3
Great imagery! Well worth the wait!
Ander Arias chapter 9 . 5/3
Oh man, and here I was hoping that things would go better for Itachi. At least he won't be helping Akatsuki like in canon.

Though, by the way, did at least any Uchiha survived the massacre this time besides Sasuke? Because otherwise, then Hinata didn't change the timeline that much.
seraphina987 chapter 9 . 5/2
Thanks for the update
Elina Violets chapter 8 . 6/5/2019
AWESOME! Love that we see it from Hinata's perspective, I think you did a very good job with that :D
Pom Rania chapter 8 . 5/13/2019
Ooh, I'm real interested in seeing how everything is going to work out next.
Pom Rania chapter 6 . 5/13/2019
I really love how even though the EVENTS are similar to the original timeline, the EMOTIONS that spring from them are different. It's something that sings to me in a way I can't describe.
Pom Rania chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
I have to admit, I laughed at "but why would Akatsuki want to steal her boobs".

I try to leave comments on stories while I'm reading them, but I have a headache and/or allergies and/or a cold (I'm honestly not sure) so I'm not in the best shape at the moment. Still, I can say that yesterday I went on a TV Tropes binge in the Naruto Fanworks area, and jotted down a bunch of stories that looked interesting, of which this is one.
god of all chapter 8 . 3/10/2019
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Roxie.88 chapter 8 . 3/7/2019
good chapter but I hope we see more naruhina in the future.
PrettyQueen chapter 8 . 2/18/2019
Yess, you updated! Not gonna lie, I really missed this story. But I get that it’s harder writing about something that you’re not that passionate about. I hope the arc after the Uchiha Massacre will go a lil easier. I’m very curious as to how Hinata is going to convince Sarutobi and stop the massacre/ lessen the victims. I don’t know how Madara comes into play in this but I’m curious to know.

Kid Sasuke is so adorable. Such a contrast to his (hopefully not anymore) future self. He’s also very impressionable. Especially when it comes to his brother. What Itachi said about it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing the right thing as long as you’re certain is very disturbing to me as well. Hinata saw how that turned out...

Naruto is just super cute with how protective he is about Hinata! But I hope that along the way he’ll also gain new friends as well as his rivalry with Sasuke. Sasuke obviously underestimates him. I can’t wait for Naruto to prove him wrong. :)

Those flashbacks about Hinata’s past/first life are also very insightful. I love to hear all about the squad leaving Konoha, Danzo being Hokage, Naruto and Hinata’s relationship and the adventures and deaths of their friends. It’s a doomsday scenario that deserves its own fic I think. One that I would very much enjoy reading (like I do this one). No pressure or anything hahah, this is just me rambling.

Great chapter! (have I told you how much I love your writing style before?)

Hope to hear from you soon but by all means take your time. xx
Kawisdom chapter 8 . 2/16/2019
Naruto and Sasuke are going to be rivals much earlier than in canon, aren't they? And it's not about becoming the best, it's about Hinata's friendship. Ninja or not, she missed Naruto's jealousy, which will only get worse when Sasuke visits her family. Naruto may jump to the conclusion she doesn't think he's good enough to meet them. He's used to being a pariah, after all.
The treason story arc is a tough one, isn't it? Itachi was a really good villain and the secret hero thing was a hard sell. Even if I go along with that part, the mission he was given was monstrous. Identify the plot's leaders, whether for trial or assassination, is a logical job for him. Slaughter every man, woman and CHILD? No. The brief depictions of Sasuke's childhood show a thriving clan. I can't imagine he was the youngest member. That's part of what made Itachi so horrible. Imagining that night, with Itachi murdering entire families, made him an iconic villain with no redeeming qualities. Even sparing his brother was a twisted act of spite. Itachi as secret hero glosses over his actual crime.
I can only imagine this kind of slaughter in a much more brutal dictatorship, one where other clans are just as unhappy and leaning towards rebellion. In that case, the Uchiha massacre would be a warning to the rest of the village and Itachi would still be a monster! Other would-be rebels might see them as martyrs, but the open admiration Sasuke is shown wouldn't be encouraged by parents. He'd be another Naruto, with just as little explanation.
You've chosen a tough story arc to work with and so far you're doing a good job.
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