Reviews for Possibilities
shadowpuff chapter 4 . 3/6/2019
For Guest 11, that reviewed on this chapter.
Hi. I know in the Man of Steel Movie that is the case. I don't know if that is the same for in the comics (where I get most of my inspiration from) and we don't really know the birth process in the TV show (which is a different universe from the movie).
However, as far as I know, this concept doesn't really exist in any universe. I spliced the idea together from the Man of Steel movies where they have a Birthing Matrix(meaning you don't need the traditional male/female pairing to have a baby) and, according to the Man of Steel official website, where you can find the Kryptonian language, Kryptonians don't use gender pronouns unless your being insulting or if you know the person very well.
Add, that to me, an advanced society wouldn't see the need to differentiate between gender or sex beyond medical reasons, came the idea that you find in the fic.
So, yeah, mainly I played around with things because it's fanfiction.
Guest 11 chapter 4 . 3/6/2019
I would just like to point out (although it doesn't matter) that Clark was the first natural birth on krypton in a long time, which is a common fact in all versions and because of this his parents were severely punished by law.

This means that in your story Clark would have appeared to be a natural Kryptonian like they would have been at one point before the artificial births, although as this is fanfiction you may have already known this meaning I have wasted my time.
KPfan83 chapter 2 . 7/24/2018
Please tell me this was or will be made in to ? A full length multi chapter story
dainlord chapter 8 . 6/1/2018
They say Kara doesn't kill...well what about the Martians she killed with the scepter when she was on Mars with J'onn? And all the Daxamites?

I really like your possibilities. There are some good ideas!
baratta.jennifer chapter 8 . 5/8/2018
Great chapter.
DarkChampion chapter 7 . 7/12/2017
Omg. This is about the best thing that could have happened. I liked the canine characteristics, you do a good job of "she is an alien." It sounded like Non was the father, the he's always wanted children was a nice touch. Made whoever it was seem just a tiny bit more 'human.'
She does wear motherhood very well. God just imagining Cats reaction. I mean Lena growled back! That was priceless.
power214063 chapter 7 . 7/11/2017
Is there any chance of turning this chapter into its own story please?
baratta.jennifer chapter 7 . 7/11/2017
Ok great chapter
Doubled chapter 6 . 5/17/2017
Actually, children tend to adopt the accent of wherever they are from very early on, regardless of where their parents are from. I have a friend who's South African and moved to England as a ten year old, she now has an English Accent with only the slightest trait of a S.A. accent. My cousin, who's in her twenties, now picks up an American accent after working 8n Chicago, even though her mother is Australian. I have a slight English Accent after studying in the UK even though I am Chinese.
It is entirely possible to mask your accent if you're young. Just check out Sebastian Stan (Bucky/Winter Soldier in the MCU), he's Romanian, But you don't hear a trace of it.
baratta.jennifer chapter 6 . 5/16/2017
Thank you for this chapter
v3yah chapter 4 . 5/6/2017
it's nice to read more of the possibility AU and canon divergent I love how you make different but still lovable Kara but is there any possibility to make it a complete story and not just one shot ?
baratta.jennifer chapter 4 . 5/5/2017
Me2. This chapter was worth the wait.
LisaDavidson chapter 3 . 5/5/2017
I love your darker Kara from chapter 2. A continuation of that story would be amazing :D I kind of understand your frustrations with the show. I won't say completely because I'm not a comic book fan, I've never read any of them but I do watch the shows. I am a big fan of Jessica Jones because it's about a person why just happens to have powers and doesn't want to be a hero. The darkness of the show is what makes it so enticing for me. I wish supergirl had even just a smidgen of a Jessica Jones feels. I wish the show would explore the anger and depression that can come from survivors guilt. Anyways thanks again for your stories, please write some more !
AllaboutKara chapter 1 . 5/3/2017
So I am going to save this to read. There is a woeful lack of Kara centric stories, and the shoe's writers and runners show a criminal lack of creativity where the character is concerned. Thanks for tackling this.
drakonpie250 chapter 3 . 5/3/2017
These stories are awesome.
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