Reviews for Viper
MarvelObsessed chapter 1 . 4/6
Ooh, I am liking all this Army stuff! Love your cast of OCs too, I'm excited to read all this history, even if it is with a creative license.
"Dude, this ain't EOD," - "Six hundred pounds" Mac said in unison with Jack, smiling. " Hehehe, loved that! I can so see that exchange.
I am so loving the family quality to the unit. It's so sweet and you're writing it very well.
Ahh, the mortar strike! Very nicely done, loved the boys! Mac "guessing" in almost exact change.
Hahaha, the whole copper scene! Jack, you're such a hypocrite. I loved his threats to Mac and the medics though, so him.
Omg, that last part. The whole hospital scene had me rolling! Pure genius. It's nice to see Jack's loose, fun side.
Yeesss, please do another where Briggs gets what he's been asking for..!
Thanks for sharing!
perish-the-thoughtless chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
I've been re-reading your stories (still just as awesome the second time) and I was wondering if you could write one about Mac and Jack at Phoenix where Coop, Box, Pete, and Dunc came to visit them and met Riley, Bozer, Matty, etc. Sort of like a reunion.
TerriJ chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
Sooooo good, I wanted more! Going to read it again
impossiblepluto chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
this was great! I would love to see more flashbacks to GI Jack and Mac in the series, but honestly they probably wouldn't be as good as this story! I love the way you write them, and I love the other guys in the team.
Haven126 chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
. . . I haven't checked any of the other reviews, but I started giggling when Jack referred to Wynona.

Loved the callsigns for this op. I have always wondered who it is who actually gets to name stuff, because I figure at some point there’s just a bunch of exhausted, pissed off Marines around a table, and one of them just pipes up and says “We need to do this right now, and we’re really pissed off. Let’s call it . . Urgent Fury!” And all the other Marines are like “THAT IS BADASS. WE ARE CALLING IT THAT.” And the colonel is also too tired and too pissed off to fight with them, so he says “Fuckin’ great! Let’s do it!” and that’s how operations are named. ;)

I already don’t like Briggs. Tell me something terrible happens to him. And I love that Jack apparently already said everything they’ve said, and once he got to say it out loud, now he’s passing along his superior’s rhetoric when his men feel the exact same way. I wonder if they already know that when Jack tries to calm them down.

And you made Jack read a book! About Churchill! And WWII! So much love for smart!Jack!

One thing you (and maybe Dlwells51?) do so well is make the military speak truly a part of the character’s voice. There’s enough detail in what Jack and the other guys are saying that we can figure out the slang, and it really helps not only set the scene, but it feels genuine, and I can hear all their distinct voices when I read their dialogue. You two rock at that.

(What happened to Box and Stony?! No Mr. Man Boobs?!)

I like that Jack is already aware that his little EOD is not terribly fond of guns, and rather than seeing it as a weakness, he just expects Mac to be able to spot for him, and respects that killing people is not Mac’s purpose. And it seems the rest of the guys on the team are either taking Jack’s lead, or Mac’s weaseled his way into their minds and hearts as well.

Though I am going to have to have a talk with Jack’s bunch, if they’re letting their boss run previously injured into serious fights . . . he’s endangering all of them, even if he IS being Jack . . .

Operation Covert Brunch! I love it! Grunts will be grunts.

I also love how you’ve taken the time to show that security is way more than shooting bad guys that shoot at you. It’s the position of the men in motion, it’s putting thought into who goes where in the column, and all that kind of basic stuff is so important.

The whole introduction of Mac to Briggs was well done, but Briggs is not very smart, is he?

I adored Mac’s guesses of extreme accuracy, and Jack still being pretty amused by it even when it’s serious and mortars are flying through the air. He’s gotta be a serious calming influence on his men when they’re in the thick of it.

Of COURSE Jack ripped a piece of shrapnel out of his wrist. Of course he did. Because he’s Jack frickin’ Dalton. Please tell me you’ve created a medic that can handle these guys? Please? ;) Although the idea of Jack just manhandling Mac instead of arguing with him is both adorable and also probably the way more efficient method . . . and he LET MAC TOUCH HIS RIFLE. That’s trust right there.

Loved Mac’s insistence on medical treatment (because he is not stupid) and Jack’s reaction to maybe not being able to use the hand. Very Jack, of what we’ve seen in canon, and I love how you’re able to interweave that canon goof so seamlessly into Delta soldier and make them one concept.

Poor Coop, just running up a mountain listening to shit hitting the fan all around him. ;(

Loved the shit they gave Mac about his pants, and the inspection as well. His big bros aren’t messing around. Glad they gave some static to Jack too. Yay Pete! Keep them safe! Since apparently he’s got a better track record than the Air Force . . . ;)

And of COURSE Jack stole a helo. Of COURSE he did.

And YES, Briggs DOES need to be taught a lesson! Why do I get the feeling that Jack will walk away from that fight in almost as bad of shape? ;)
Kelcor chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Okay, seriously loved this! Great job! The chemistry between Jack and Mac is awesome, and I totally could picture the OC's in each scene — especially love Coop! :-) I just wish we could see these guys in the show... though, sadly, I can only picture Michael Clarke Duncan in the role of Coop. :-( I still miss that guy! Such an amazing talent! All right, I'm rambling now — not sure if you've realized it yet, but that's kinda my thing! lol Signing off for now. ~Hugs
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
Love the bunch Jack is with. they can joke around but be serious when they needed to be .
MarenMary93 chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
why, why haven't I read this earlier? Why? Great job! Loved it, everything from the relationship within the group to the action to the whump! Loved it!
jo1966 chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
Absolutely awesome. I loved this story and would love more army stories. Oh yeah be great to see Briggs get his ads kicked, maybe he does something to Mac.
tinkrbell225 chapter 1 . 5/6/2017
i love this so much. it was so swell written that i could see this happen on the show
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
I really enjoyed this! Great writting
MacCands chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
Please more of these!Please!
Soupsdone chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Great story
Effie17 chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
I really enjoyed this story. I like the universe. You can just feel the brotherhood and comradery amongst these guys. I also really like the dialogue, especially between Mac and Jack.
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