Reviews for A Song Of Magic and Might
daspeedforce chapter 7 . 8/1
This is the best Jon Snow wanking I've seen. Lol awesome.
P.M.Alderhill chapter 7 . 2/28
it was a fun read, and i was quite eager to see what last name he would take, i just hope he oesnt use potter or black, peverell is ok, but the others dont seem to fit the theme of a royal house, though it would be fun to see what you come up with, a variation on stark could be fun, like Bowstark, or seastark
Singing Dove chapter 7 . 2/27
Loving this story.

Nev is probably in Valyria (with Fawkes?)

For his sigil I’d suggest a red Phoenix on either a white or black background, or Hedwig on a red background.

Please update soon!
Zoom99 chapter 5 . 2/21
I wish this was just a Harry story. No need for Neville. Once I saw Harry and Neville I automatically thought this was going to be slash
Zoom99 chapter 2 . 2/21
Aah so he’s going to be a servant
ej-83 chapter 7 . 1/10
update soon.. i am loving the storyline so far.. haha.. keep up the good work
lalalamb chapter 2 . 1/2
Why not send Hedwig to Neville?
Child of Dreams chapter 3 . 12/3/2019
It's Myrcella, not Marcella, and I think you may have misspelled "amethyst" in a previous chapter...
Child of Dreams chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Jon Snow?
nessiesmith2012 chapter 7 . 11/11/2019
Love this. Harry is way op but hey its interesting and no romance to kill the story.
MynameisBaby chapter 7 . 11/3/2019
When will you continue this story? I’ve been waiting and thirsting for this...omg freaking sound like a whore. Nvm ima whore for this story.
Dreous44 chapter 7 . 10/24/2019
Wow. Just 2 words for this story... Bad ass! Love it! Update soon!
BrentNewland chapter 7 . 9/29/2019
Why are your east/west directions reversed from official maps?
uzieh chapter 7 . 9/14/2019
either he is in choyane or valyria
orionastro chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
amazing story so far , do wonder if Neville as created more werewolves , i hope so , and lets see what he found on Volantis ,i hope you can update soon , can hardly wait for the next chapters .
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