Reviews for The Stars Incline Us
Caro chapter 5 . 2/6
I don’t understand why your story hasn’t more review. Like wtf. It is wonderful, truly wonderful. It was short and at the same time very powerful and I was immersed in the story. Well done!
EmTeeExDee chapter 5 . 12/22/2019
I really hardly leave reviews anymore, but this beautiful story that you have written deserves all the praise!

Rey as a Vestal Virgin is just so fitting as a parallel. And having the goddess Vesta guiding her is also very fitting as a parallel to the Force.

You broke my heart so much in chapter 4 where they had to partways, I almost cried in bed at 3am reading it. Thank goodness you brought them back together in chapter 5, they are so in love that it just wouldn't be fair to keep them apart! (the love scene was beautifully written and very sensual - made me blush like a young girl again)

Thank you for writting this Roman AU. Haven't read such a good quality AU (with research) in a while. 3

- yinkwun
mdnghtphyre7 chapter 5 . 7/30/2019
Loved this story! I loved studying about Rome and their gods. Very well written!
kfulmer7 chapter 5 . 5/6/2019
Awesome! Love this story! Long time to wait but well worth it. Thanks for writing! Karen
Guest chapter 5 . 5/4/2019
Woh... Such fic!
The Perlustrator chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
So...I can't stand AU's. Refuse to read them, block them from searches. Took a chance here bc it seemed interesting. Now I do like AU's. Just one. Though I do get sick of the evil Hux trope, and here as well, I understand why people use it. Good work. I'd love to see more Roman/Greek stuff if it's well done like this one. Such a different idea. Nicely done.
Dark Jedi chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
May the Force be with our Princess
astrarius chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
I'm sad this story doesn't have more reviews. You've really given us a truly wonderful gift - something beautiful and painful and everything else in between. This story will be one that I will come back to and reread often. It's just... everything. I really appreciate you sharing with the community - and I hope that others will choose to leave you with some kind words.

Great characterizations, pacing for the plot, and descriptions; the dialogue felt appropriate for the style of story. You made me like Rome. You made me want to like history! You made me like Ren, who was sin incarnate and everything in the world that would be wrong for Rey. And about Rey. She is so strong in this story - absolutely brilliant. The world needs more powerful women - the types that will make difficult decisions to do right by themselves.

Truly, reading this story was the most fantastic way to spend a Sunday night. Please keep writing. Please keep sharing your work. Thank you.
Chcosta chapter 1 . 7/6/2017
Great story; I enjoyed this very much! You are an excellent writer. Thank you for filling an hour of my time with fun.
queenofslytherin14 chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
This was the best Star Wars fanfic that I have EVER had the pleasure of reading. You're blessed with a gift with writing. Thank you. Write more please!
everlastingtrueromance chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
Great story! I ship reylo so hard! I don't see why he would carry her like a princess if there wasn't going to be some romance between them eventually!