Reviews for Kid
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2017
Shian1998 chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
Nice 'Gotham' one-shot! Love this show, and enjoyed reading this! You wrote Bruce and Selina perfectly in character. Great job with how you showed the different ways that they have changed over the years, and how their relationship has grown stronger after everything they've experienced together.

Great job with this story! Really enjoyed it! :)
Safirefly chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
This was very, endearingly cute. I liked how detailed your wording was, and how in-character you kept Bruce and Cat. Its easy to see the nervous affection these two have for each other.

And yes, from the context of that scene with the doppleganger, Cat absolutely must have seen Bruce's torso before. Of course... since Bruce 'had' been gone for 6 months, and the scars on Five did look fairly recent, I do find it odd that the Cat's first reaction was- "You're not Bruce! What the hell are you?!", instead of, say- "Bruce, where did you get those scars? What have you 'really' been doing these past six months off in 'Switzerland'?"

Anyway, loved this one-shot. :)