Reviews for Out of Darkness
ladygraywolf chapter 14 . 8/13/2019
you know is an ass, immaturecildish and self centered. But I blame his parents more then anyone for how he is. His mom is a putz his dad is a puss. He should have stood up to his wife and laid down the law on his son and kicked the boys butt a few times to let him know that world does not revolve around him. Hope he grows up with thy his punishment. Great story tho.
misherukuro chapter 50 . 5/4/2018
Thanks for sharing your writing.
brennakai chapter 50 . 11/9/2017
Amazing, such a beautiful ending.
Terrific not all the kings are in entertainment, yet all are notable as they help others.

Thank you for the story
black neko hime chapter 50 . 11/7/2017
This was really good. Thank you am for writing and sharing this story. I am glad they got a happy ending.
This story was the first to make me imagine Sho as a regretful old man...
black neko hime chapter 15 . 11/3/2017
The end of this chapter was perfect.
All Ren's worrying for things to turn out like this is amusing, but perfect. I couldn't imagine a better reveal for this story.
I look forward to seeing how Ren talks about it when his nerve comes around again.
A Musing Brunette chapter 50 . 11/2/2017
The end is fitting. The children weren't all in the entertainment field which means that they didn't have that stress or expectation thrust on them. Instead it seems that they were encouraged to do as they wanted, what interested them and not what others may have expected of them just because of their family name. That is one of the best gifts for a child. To have a loving family that will support you and your dreams. Kuon and Kyoko turned out to be stellar parents that set good examples for their children.

Also for Kuon and Kyoko to share what they lived through with others was beautiful. It's inspiration that people should look to and work towards in their own lives.

Nicely done.
PaulaGaTo chapter 50 . 11/2/2017
Hermoso! felicitaciones!
paulagato chapter 49 . 11/2/2017
Wow es como estar viendo una imaginé cada cosa que pasó...excelente
Guest chapter 50 . 11/2/2017
Oh wow! That was a fabulous and inspiring ending! Loved it!

Kris XD
daphne121 chapter 50 . 11/2/2017
Michiyo chapter 50 . 11/1/2017
You are magnificent! You ended it wonderfully! Thank you for writing and sharing!
ladygraywolf chapter 50 . 11/1/2017
Wonderful story. Thank you so much.
black neko hime chapter 6 . 10/30/2017
Wait, people are calling her Kyoko? I thought she was going by another name as Lory's daughter...
Blue Raging Fire111 chapter 48 . 10/27/2017
earthquakes would definitely be scary! I'm definitely curious about the name. please update soon
A Musing Brunette chapter 48 . 10/26/2017
I can see how that earthquake could be so disconcerting. It's a good thing Kyoko didn't think twice when she felt the contractions and saw the discharge. It helped with getting her help just in time to rectify it.

Now that onesie... Oh goodness. That cracked me up so much. Nice perverted touch there. lol

You've left me curious as to what name they've decided on for the baby though. This should prove interesting.
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