Reviews for Guardian
Anon chapter 2 . 10/18/2018
Really enjoyed the story so far, hope you can find the time to update this soon!
Bluewasp chapter 2 . 7/4/2018
I absolutely positively love this so far and would like more of it! So please make the next one soon? Please?
Guest chapter 2 . 4/4/2018
God, I love these kinds of stories. Characters I like, robots that can feel, and actually has good grammar! A little disappointed that the guardian wasn't able tk stay a guardian. Would've been interesting if he was re-educated under Darin's care almost like in titanfall. Most importantly, I just wish you would update soon
Burningbeast chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
you man are just amazing I have no other words for this. Personally I love the guardians and if you could tame or reset one I would but so far I love Gauss as a character. But out of all of the possible guardian weapons you could have given him you chose a spear. A bow would honestly be better because guardians are known for their ranged beams of death. But other than those little things I love this. You were one of the people who got me on this site and I just want you all to keep doing what you love.

Reigniting my flames,
EIpy chapter 2 . 12/1/2017
Certainly a good idea. Your writing isn't bad either.
riverraiden chapter 2 . 8/13/2017
I may not know a thing about Breath of the Wild (I'm correct in assuming that's what BotW means?), but what you have written down is very intriguing! I'd love to learn more about this!

Though you are right about there not many OC-centric stories. However, I once found a very lovely (aka: well-written and lengthy) story about Vaati living in the My Little Pony universe. It's a very nice story, if a little bit gory thanks to Vaati himself and other things.
Drunevil chapter 2 . 7/19/2017
Hmm, while I was really hoping this would continue on with the guardian in its normal repaired state and loved the first chapter and the first half of this one. Regardless, I may still follow this story in the future if you updated it again, and think you did a very nice job writing it even if it didn't go in the direction I was hoping
Neetyneet chapter 2 . 5/23/2017
I am really enjoying this! I really love how Gauss is written: really creative use of his speech patterns. Can't wait for more!