Reviews for Addicted To Love
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 5 . 7/31
Oh my God. So I had one of those moments where I remembered this fic at like midnight on a Friday and then I remembered how long it was and I thought, oh well, it was good, I’ll just read a little bit till I get bored... except that I didn’t. I got sucked back into this completely magnificent world you have created. I have spent many an hour absolutely absorbed in your writing. You have captured their personalities and voices with such accuracy I genuinely wonder if you were an actual writer for the show. But you also managed to avoid Gene just repeating catch phrases from the show (that crack he made about being like a drugged up snail just sounded EXACTLY like something he would say).
Every time you started a chapter with “this is a long one”, I just felt such a sense of calm and happiness-THANK YOU!
The smut was *chef’s kiss* but more than anything for the longing. This whole fic I’ve just been amazed by how enamoured Gene is with Alex (#goals). And then in the second last chapter when Gene suggested they continue and I thought, oh yeah, cool, I get a whole chapter to enjoy them being together and in love AND ALEX TURNED HIM DOWN! I had forgotten that (repressed it?). I may have squealed and as pissed as I was, I then had to get to the end quickly because I needed a happy ending (and somebody needed to mend Gene’s poor little broken heart). By the end of the last chapter it was just happy fangirl squealing and life was good once more.
Long story short, bless you (and Shaz), you have absolutely made my week! Now, onto What’s a Queen to a Goddess.
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 10 . 11/5/2018
Argh, I couldn't get over Alex at the start of this chapter. There was Gene, pouring his heart out and prepared to offer her and Molly everything he could and grrrrr. Took me a long while to get over that.
This fic was incredible. I've been reading it in all my spare moments and my lunch breaks, in all the time I did and did not have, you had me hooked, well done!
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 9 . 11/3/2018
No! Why such a sad ending? This chapter started off so fun. They better get a happy ending (in more than one sense of the word).
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 8 . 11/2/2018
Haha, didn't even pick up the Leo thing. I absolutely adored their pillow talk! Loved seeing Viv's Birthday included (we never got to see enough of it in the show). You write the characters perfectly, they all sound so much like them.
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 7 . 11/1/2018
Another beautiful chapter, especially the last part. Good to see Gene have a chance to comfort her properly.
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 6 . 10/31/2018
Jealous Gene is my favourite type of Gene-just admit you like her you damn fool!
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 4 . 10/30/2018
I really love the way you've worked scenes from the show into this chapter, works really well!
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 2 . 10/27/2018
Loving this! They're hilarious together.
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 1 . 10/27/2018
Loving this so far, great plan Shaz!
xAbiVx chapter 10 . 5/7/2018
Finally got around to reading the end of this story and it’s absolute perfection. The best way to break my fic reading hiatus.
wombledon chapter 10 . 11/13/2017
I saved this, so I could read it a bit at a time. Loved it, especially the happy ending. I'm delighted that you're not going to stop writing for this Gene & Alex. A one-shot AND a sequel? Really!? I can't wait. Well done!
Guest chapter 10 . 11/5/2017
This story was so awesome! So pleased there's still others out there offering Galex a happy ending 3
Pls post another story/keep this one going asap. I *love* your writing, and hate to think I'll have to go too long without another update! :)
Hiddenashes 83 chapter 10 . 11/4/2017
Wow this story has been brilliant! Favourite new galex fic and the best I've read in a long while. Loved it
sash queen of the jungle chapter 10 . 11/3/2017
Oh a lovely happy ending. Thank you.
Curms chapter 9 . 10/30/2017
This is such a brilliant fanfic, thank you so much for writing it !
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