Reviews for Like We Used To
Kuro.435 chapter 9 . 3/20
The end was good but there was some things that I don’t agree in respect to Clark’s character and the only reason I finished the reading the story was because I am a huge fan of Clois, if it any other pairings, I might have stopped
Kuro.435 chapter 6 . 3/20
Huh Clark just ignored the info about bombs and kids and instead of at least try to get out without anyone knowing about it which he could because of his powers, he continued to talk with Lois like it was a normal day?
Kuro.435 chapter 3 . 3/20
Aside from the fact that Clark Kent wouldn’t just up and leave at that point in time without any explanation or true found reason which he would have given his loved ones... this CLark Kent acts with no guilt whatsoever for just leaving her since he thinks that she should be with him and nor Richard whom he hates, if there is no solid reason for his actions then you are just misinterpreting him
Armande chapter 9 . 10/14/2018
C était super , mais stp écrit une fic sur le fils se superman que Richard a élevé pendant 5 ans
Guest chapter 6 . 3/27/2018
When Clark ignored bomb threats against school children to pretend he couldn’t get out of a copy room I stopped reading. That was so completely out of character and so extremely un-Superman-like that I couldn’t even finish.
LoisNClark4Ever chapter 9 . 7/20/2017
I live for a good Clois story and this one just hits the spot. Ahh...*lol* With Clois stories so few and far between these days, I really appreciate you writing and sharing your work.

Now Lois being with Richard...come on, that little hiccup didn't stand a chance against Clark. Those 14 months they were together be damned! Clark ALWAYS remained in Lois' heart regardless if he was physically present or not. Good lovin' like that just doesn't go away. ;)

As for Lana, I'm surprised to find myself happy to see her. In this story anyway and that she got the Clois memo and made the most of her cameo by sharing a few words of wisdom with Clark and keeping her visit brief.

The ending, obviously, was my favorite! I love how unlike the show, Clois actually made it through the ceremony MARRIED! Whoo-hoo! Now on to the honeymoon. *daydreams*

Hope to see more stories from you in the future. :)
BigRed67 chapter 9 . 5/29/2017
Yay they got married! Always and forever...
BigRed67 chapter 8 . 5/29/2017
Awww, nothing a little almost tragedy can't fix. So glad that Richard took the break up like a gentleman too.
BigRed67 chapter 7 . 5/29/2017
Oh crap, just when Lois finally realises who she should really be with Clark is in trouble...
BigRed67 chapter 6 . 5/29/2017
Oh finally we get the truth from Lois! And a kiss! Yay!
BigRed67 chapter 5 . 5/25/2017
So I have a question. You've made mention of Superman in this chapter and an earlier one as well (where Clark remembers Lois telling him to just go be Supes), but unless I'm missing something Superman hasn't made his debut yet. And if Lois is unaware of Clark's secret identity how can she tell him to just be Superman and forget Clark? Sorry but that was bugging me.
Nice to see Lana at least telling Clark to fight for Lois, and Ollie helping out too.
Lilbit4 chapter 5 . 5/25/2017
This gonna be good
Lilbit4 chapter 3 . 5/24/2017
So far so good look forward to more
BigRed67 chapter 4 . 5/24/2017
See I told you Richard was a smarmy little git! What man walks away from the woman he supposedly loves enough to want to marry? And yes I know that Clark left too, but he had real reasons not just jealousy. Now if only Lois would let Clark back in.
BigRed67 chapter 3 . 5/24/2017
I hate Richard. Smarmy little git. And Lois needs to build a bridge and get over it already! She knows Clark is the love of her life, now she's just punishing him.
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