Reviews for BlackBird
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31
Tomlongadingdong chapter 1 . 4/8
This NEEDS WAYYYY MORE reviews and favorites. Awesome fanfic. chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
Awww i wish there were more! It’s really good
LiviusSwann chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
lol I saw some Hamilton references lmao
Madame Lamb chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
Wow i'm so sorry for harry but i have to agree that Loki and Harry make a awesome couple.
Firefox chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
This chapter was absolutely amazing. There was some spelling errors, so you might want to go back and check that but other than that it was pretty good. Are you planning on updating this?
az31r4 chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
love it love it love it ! I've reread it thrice and still want moreee
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
Noooooo I really need a sequel please!
Midori Hiei chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
So Sweet! I LOVED IT!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
Please make this a longer story it is really good and I couldn't put it down.
bloodedlife94 chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
lovely fic. please ignore rantingbanshee's comment as she/he is obviously quite narrow minded in the world of fics. fanfic allows for everything, even change og sexuality so he/she should have stopped reading this as soon as there were signs of slash.
angelaneahwalker chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
I want more! :'( More! And more! Please?! This fic is way to good to end here...
Jojebae98 chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
pure gold!
rantingbanshee chapter 1 . 5/22/2017
I would appreciate it if you put a slash warning at the start of your story or even the pairing brackets next time.

I find this gay stuff abhorrent not because I am homophobic or anything like that but because you intentionally degrade the very same characters of stories who are inherently heterosexual and straight as they come in nature (or canon). It ruins every aspect of their character because there is a paradigm shift from what is an eccentric personality of masculinity, personifying the embodiment of testosterone to being forcefully transformed into full-blown feministic antithesis who turn into a poor mock-up of their former selves in canon. You said it best yourself; "Harry is essentially shunted into the role of a 'woman with a penis' category.

The majority of readers are going to reach the same point of view and perceive Harry as a 'woman with a penis' no matter how you try to portray otherwise.

For example, alot of authors who write mpreg slash harry/voldemort don't take into account that voldemort is actually a 85-90 year old man in the books by the time Harry goes to Hogwarts. Not even a 40 year old desperate, lonely woman would be desperate enough to date a 90 year old wrinkly ass man let alone an 11 year old male wizard. Yet, authors still write slash stories even though it is incredibly unappealing and distorts the characters in the stories regardless.

Secondly, it is wrong on a fundamental level because the idea of mpreg slash between two males goes against the very nature of biological evolution of males who CANNOT get pregnant or give birth to babies. They don't have the right equipment and they couldn't do it any way even with all the right circumstances because men produce the wrong hormonal chemicals such as testosterone to even be pregnant in the first place.

I have a few gay friends and don't mind their orientation in the slightest in the real world but I vehemently find slash stories distasteful because it butchers and degrades the characters. To me, it feels like a lot of gay authors are trying to shove their sexual predilection down out throats and tell us in a squeaky voice: "Being gay is the new norm". This is nothing more than an attempt to proselytize people who have no desire to be a homosexual. This is further reinforced by the fact that many people idolize their characters who are straight and heterosextual in canon, and don't like to see their idols butchered in slash mpreg stories. It's definitely cringe-worthy!

To give you an idea, take Dean Winchester, Harry Potter and other characters on this site who are so straight in canon that their masculinity is oozing through the TV screen...only to suddenly transform into a whiny, girly and loveydovey feminine version of themselves which makes slash stories very jarring. At first I found it amusing years ago...but its not funny anymore.

The last and perhaps the most prevalent issue of slash stories is that the authors tend to spend more time describing the 'carnal desires' of males rather than progressing the story which is incredibly frustrating. For example, when Harry first met Loki, he thought that Loki was "handsome" and you went on to describe as much, derailing the story for the moment...and ultimately ending up in failing to notice that Loki was still wearing a mask at the time did Harry know that Loki was handsome?

Another example can be found here: "Still, Harry felt distracted again and again by the other man in small carnal ways." [Excerpt].
You can't go without two sentences before derailing the story to describe what a handsome and attractive male Loki is which further emphasizes my point.

Another example can be found here: "Harry's head instinctively shifted to the side, submissively offering his throat to the stranger before him." [Excerpt].
Based on the fact that Harry's magic and potential makes him far more powerful (magically speaking), Harry shouldn't be submitting to an inferior. Yes, I know Loki is physically stronger due to his alien heritage, but Harry is a wizard from a society who have been wielding magic in all branches for a very long time and are essentially reality bending/warping magical beings on a small scale. The Asgardians have proclivity towards only one branch of magic: magical runes and even then, are limited in scope to the full capabilities of magic.

Harry could/would ROFLstomp any of them including Odin, by turning them into frogs, using simple first year switching spell to switch their beating hearts with rocks or stones, unblockable killing curse that rips the soul out of their bodies, turning their all their blood into mud. There is no limit to the magic that can be wrought if you don't limit your imagination to what you can do with it.

Which would make Harry superior in any male pairing and yet, he is being submissive and that ultimately derails the story.

Being homosextual does not in any way equate to being the "Omega", especially since males show signs of being pumped full of estrogen in a story that doesn't make sense. Your Harry is a "Beta", plain and simple which is largely due to his predilection as someone who likes cocks.
R. A Cross chapter 1 . 5/22/2017
Wow! This is gold! I so want a sequel showing Harry and Loki with pups and also maybe some avengers and Thor reaction
Thanks for the fic