Reviews for A Modern Mind
Sara Angel chapter 50 . 10/5
WHAT IS THIS? you cannot just leave me hanging, author! please, I beg of you, continue
Abbie Blizzard chapter 50 . 8/28
This is absolutley beautiful. I love the way you write and I'm simply captivated by your changes to history! I kind of wish this was our real history instead, its that good!
I would love for Mary to pull of one or two more 'miracles' such as the saving of Anne's life during childbirth so she can be elevated to a saint. It would be interesting for her to live out her life as Mary Tudor and then return to the present and witness exactly how her actions shaped the new future!

Can't wait to see how you handle the war xx
Cyberbook chapter 46 . 5/18
A very bittersweet chapter
Cyberbook chapter 15 . 5/17
I must admit I was kinda wanting to see Mary marrying James...
Mushishixxxholic chapter 50 . 5/13
Love it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6
The way you set up how this was possible for her was totally unnecessary and really takes the reader out of the story.
You could have started it with her finding herself there in a much more believable way. You should realize that less is often more, we have that saying for a reason, and you don’t have to rely on an ominous shadowy figure contacting her mysteriously to insertyour character somewhere.
We collectively shake our heads at you.
That being said, I am cautiously hopeful that was the only thing that will be unpalatable about your story as I actually really enjoy time travel and/or dropped into the story fics.
I’m sorry if that was harsh, but sometimes truth is much more necessary for someone to hear rather than praise that won’t help you in any way other than stroking your writer’s ego.
Guest chapter 50 . 12/15/2019
*Right eye twitching * “It can’t just stop there!... “(Shrill voice)

All in all, I very much enjoyed this story.
Thank you
andjelija.nenic chapter 40 . 10/29/2019
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
Darkest Nightingale chapter 50 . 8/25/2019
I love this story so much. Haven’t been able to stop reading and so look forward to your next chapter!
Lizzie879 chapter 50 . 7/28/2019
I am thoroughly addicted to this story. I can’t wait to see what happens next
Lady-Finwe chapter 50 . 5/6/2019
wow this is a different story I like it :)
Carmen-otaku2 chapter 50 . 4/14/2019
Other cap plisssss
yuric09 chapter 50 . 3/27/2019
awwssss sigo esperando la continuacion de la historia...
Februari chapter 50 . 3/26/2019
Will you upload a new chapter anytime soon? :3
Guest chapter 50 . 2/26/2019
Oh no...which sister is dead? I feel bad for hoping it’s Mary and not Anne. But neither of them were sick to my knowledge so it must have been an accident or murder...which makes me think it’s Anne as a retaliation by the Emperor.

As for Mary and George’s plans to modernize England, is there any chance Mary could invent or provide the plans for someone else to invent the microscope? Anton Van Leeuwenhoek from the Netherlands invented microscope somewhere in the 1600’s and became the Father of Microbiology! Mary could become its’s inventor in this world? If so, she would open up so many possibilities in medicine and science centuries earlier! The discovery of bacteria would lead to better hygiene, which would lead to lower infant and maternal mortality rates. Surprisingly, even up to the late 1800’s, doctors STILL didn’t believe in washing their hands before assisting a woman giving birth...and yet, the mortality rates for both babies and mothers was MUCH lower for midwives who didn’t constantly work with cadavers. Plus, maybe this is pushing it, but imagine if she could identify the blood types centuries early? It could lead to blood transfusions earlier, which could eventually lead to modern surgery! No woman would die in childbirth of hemorrhaging! Soldiers who would have otherwise died might survive! She would probably be remembered as Mary the Angel.

If not the microscope, how about the sewing machine? The original sewing machine was manual and did not need electricity. Sewing machines are basic even now, so I bet she could draw up plans for making one! Why is this important? The sewing machine had a huge impact on women’s rights! A single shirt that would take hours to make could be made in under an hour. It basically allowed women more free time, time which they could devote to learning or activism! Plus, sewing machines are also used in making sails for ships, leather boots, and tack and saddles, so it would be much quicker to mobilize England’s army with a bunch of ladies sewing!

Other than that, I’d say inventing canning should be a priority. I always thought the technique had been around forever, but it actually wasn’t discovered until the early 1800’s when the British government asked scientists to find a way to make food last longer for their soldiers during wartime. It’s pretty easy to do; I’ve done it loads of times at my grandparents. Plus, the heat sterilizes the food, so less chance of people getting sick...hmmm...what else...maybe a simple ice cream maker? The original hand-churn ice cream maker required ice and salt, but it was fairly simple in design...and then Mary can get ice cream for this pregnancy! I’d say maybe she could TRY to create a typewriter, but that might be too much...but I used to use my parents’ typewriters before we got a home computer in the 90’s and the machines looked pretty simple in design.

OH! I have one that Mary should absolutely invent! The modern bra! Corsets are actually dangerous for women’s health and I can’t imagine they’re comfortable at all. Bras would be a godsend for all women...And women’s underwear too...pretty sure that doesn’t exist yet in Tudor England!
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