Reviews for Free Chocolate? I'm Sold on That!
Turrislucidus chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
I've always thought that the issue with sending chocolate to televisions (see how I managed to call it neither one?) was with the receiving screen. I mean, most likely, it's a piece of glass. Wouldn't the glass need modification? Surely Mr. Wonka's receiver was specially made for the process. Perhaps a plasma screen would work? (Don't go getting all technical on me here, Mr. Mike Teavee. What I don't know about plasma screens would—)

Wouldn't it be fun, if Mr. Wonka sold an adapter for all those glass TV screens, and made back on the adapters, what he lost on the chocolate bar sales? ;-)

This was truly a fun read. The grandparents were great; having read this, I can so see Grandpa Joe jumping out of bed and dancing, later, when the Golden Ticket is found: a nice tie-in to that scene, as AU as the explanation might be.

May I also heartily commend you on your going to the trouble to update your story at a reviewer's suggestion. Said reviewer made a good point: Mix-and-match stories are jarring mishmash in my opinion—in the way over-mixed paintings are muddy—as the world you have advertised is the world I expect to get lost in. I'm going to blame your friend for that. I'm glad you fixed it.
Sonny April chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
Wow, this was a great oneshot. You perfectly illustrated the flaw I always suspected Television Chocolate would have. If he was giving away free candy in his commercials, what's the point of buying them?

Not only that (and you didn't touch on this in your story anyways), but would it take only one bar to be sent to all the TVs, or would Wonka need one bar for each television screen he takes it to? If it's the former, how is that even possible? That would be creating more matter than there was before, out of nothing. But, hey, I guess I'm starting to sound like Mike Teavee now.

But speaking of Mike Teavee, why would Television Chocolate even shrink whatever is being sent through the machine? I mean, Wonka says it's because everything is smaller when it's on television, but that's not always the case. I brought this up in "The Everlasting Gobstopper", but what if you film a close-up of something small, say an insect, then put that on TV? Then it would be bigger than it is in real life. To me, I think that the shrinking was just a flaw in the machinery, and Wonka just covered it up by making the "everything's smaller on TV" excuse. And it's most likely a combination of all three of those flaws that made Wonka quit with the Television Chocolate idea altogether.

Anyways, back to your story. Like I said, it's really good, and very entertaining. It's interesting you chose to make it AU by having Wonka "perfect" the Television Chocolate before the Golden Ticket contest. And the grandparents were hilarious in their endeavors to collect as many chocolate bars as they could! I'll be excited to read anything else you decide to publish in the future!
mattTheWriter072 chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
I'm glad I inspired you to write this amusing oneshot. At first I saw the name "Television Chocolate" and I was thinking, "Squirrela's writing about the 2005 movie? That's unheard of!" And then I remembered that it was also called that in the original story. Truthfully, I am surprised you didn't call it Wonkavision, since this is clearly based on the 1971 movie. Maybe Mr. Wonka decided to change the name later? I dunno.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this story, mainly because it answered the biggest question I have about Television Chocolate or Wonkavision: if Mr. Wonka is sending his chocolate bars by television, for free, won't that harm his sales? And it turns out it did. My favorite part of this work, without a doubt, was when all four grandparents tried reaching for the Wonka Bar at once!

Even though both of our stories obviously took place before the Golden Ticket contest (how else would he say to his guests that this is his very latest and greatest invention?), I liked how you actually mentioned him starting the contest at the end of the story. Great job, as always, and I'm looking forward to your next story, whatever it may be. :)
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
This was very funny! The funniest part was how it would eventually backfire on the grandparents! Remember, "Adventure is out there!"