Reviews for Come A Little Bit Closer
Irene01 chapter 14 . 5/29
If Lydia pushes Yondu’s buttons, you, girl, are pushing my daddy kink button. I just read the 14 chapters of your story in a row and I love every part of it ! Lydia is such an interesting OC and you stay true to the canon characters ! And this chapter was really hot ( now I hope you will upgrade to a M rating when things are going to be even more interesting haha )

Thank you for sharing this story with us ! I can’t wait to read Peter birthday’s and, in this difficult time, I hope all is well for you ! :)
Hazel-Gator chapter 14 . 4/12
Alright, so I made an account SPECIFICALLY for reviewing your amazing fanfiction.

I have been popping back into this story every once in a while because it is literally my favorite. I haven't lost it because I remembered Lydia's name. So I find it by typing in 'Yondu Udonta Lydia' in google. XD
I simply LOVE this story. Everyone is written so well, you have plot, it's engaging and fun. Peter is adorable and the relationship you create between him and Yondu is perfect.
And of course - the relationship between Yondu and Lydia is -THE- Best. I love how you have drawn it out without making it unbelievable. Some writers just make it annoying - you just make it the best kind of frustrating.
Your Yondu is spot on. I can literally hear his voice when I read his dialogue.

Not gonna deny, I was hoping there would be an update since everyone is more or less confined to their houses! XD Take care and stay healthy! :) Wonderful work as always.
nofilter chapter 14 . 4/9
Hooray! One of the good things about this whole thing is writers updating their stories. That said, I really ought to work on mine...
Guest chapter 14 . 4/9
Aww Yondu!
Love how their relationship is improving
LunarEclipse598 chapter 14 . 4/9
BookKeeper88 chapter 13 . 1/8
you really are an amazing writer, i love this story!
Carolyn Tom chapter 13 . 12/24/2019
well hello again. read this chapter twice because I was feeling so deprived of the fluff and sexy tension between the two. THEN I got real deep character development. : I loved it. thanks. for the update
nofilter chapter 13 . 12/18/2019
Yay! I love it when this story updates! Not only is it hilarious, it's very well written and about the only one I've found that seems to do the characters justice. Yondu is a very complex character, and certainly hard to portray, while I really like how you do the young Peter as he gets his bearings while still remaining a kid. You even do the Ravengers well; slowly but surely taking Lydia as one of their own. I can't wait to see more! (P.S. not sure what you have in mind for SPN, but if it's anything like this, I'm there.)
purple-pygmy-puff16 chapter 13 . 12/18/2019
Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one! And heck yeah I’d read a supernatural fic of yours, I love almost every male paired with an OC on that show!
thewrackspurtsrcoming chapter 12 . 11/6/2019
This is the shit (In a good way... R we allowed to cuss in reviews? Cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do it.) Seriously, though, this is a 5 star fanfic. You’re an excellent writer.
thewrackspurtsrcoming chapter 10 . 11/6/2019
“Your chin is a work of art!” - That got me good! Friggin’ hilarious XD
Carolyn Tom chapter 12 . 10/18/2019
oh no what happened? I love this fluffy story of family love and sexual tension that's also sweet crushes. I love it all
SwingingOnAStar chapter 9 . 7/12/2019
And again you have the character development down perfectly! I loved it all!
SwingingOnAStar chapter 8 . 7/12/2019
My favorite chapter yet! It's so nice to see Peter getting braver with the crew and the fighting between our favorite "not" couple is always fun. Lol
SwingingOnAStar chapter 7 . 7/12/2019
I honestly fal in love with this story more and more with each chapter! You've put so much thought into even the smallest of things and the character development flows perfectly. You are not rushing anything and nothing feels forced or out of character at all. It's rare to find such a wonderfully thought out OC story, especially with a pairing like this!
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