Reviews for The Kiss
Guest chapter 19 . 6/8/2016
I think rukawa might be in love with her ;-)
princess thieves of heart chapter 19 . 4/27/2012
I think I need to scold Rukawa this time.

"Rukawa-kun! She is not a weird girl! You are the one acting weird since you are acting like a true human should be!" *sweatdrops*

hi there! I reallyyyyy love your story. Please do update! Please!

Thanks 3

princess thieves of heart chapter 17 . 4/27/2012
Now that picked my curiousity! Why is rukawa smirking! *o*

HAHAHA. Hi there! 3 sorry, I was just shocked. I love the chapter.

princess thieves of heart chapter 16 . 4/27/2012
Hey there! Okay! The last part about Rukawa is PRETTYYYY funny! Hahahaha. And hey, I like your story 3.

Kuma chapter 19 . 5/25/2011
Hey there, it's me again.

i love this story, so please keep continue to write this story( oh yeah, my english is bad-sory)

but please, it saved me from being boring.. bcos the plot is interesting, and the way the charas interact is entertaining.. :)

please, kitty(oh-i'm being sweet here)
Fried Sinigang chapter 19 . 5/18/2011

first, I have to thank you for actually writing this story! This is such a nice break from all those rukawaOC fics that I've been reading! The plot is good and promising. Noriko and Hanasen's relationship is really well written and realistic, and I like reading those parts when they would have playful banters. You also have an exceptional way of writing Sakuragi.

However, I think that Rukawa was kind of out of character during the recent chapters, making the story somewhat predictable.

Your story is unique and exciting, so be careful whenever writing Rukawa because it's washing away the uniqueness of this story. He's really so damn hard to write, even I encounter problems when trying to write him. That's why Ihaven't published any SD fics yet.

Gambatte ne!

You are a fine author, and I salute you! :)
Kuma chapter 17 . 5/18/2011
Oh wow! I love the story, i really enjoy my time reading this.

First, i was just randomly checking on some fandom, i was really surprised that there's this one.. I don't really interested since it's already has 17 chaps, but i really boring, so i opened the first chap, continue ... And noooww...

Update soon!
The Tokyo Time Killer chapter 16 . 3/16/2011
this is a realy overly SWEET fic!

I really love it, since the first chapter!


I'm ecstatic find out how Hanasen and Hanamichi will get together.

I hope you can update soon!
BishieMadness chapter 4 . 12/22/2010
ahahaha... ROLF...XD
BishieMadness chapter 3 . 12/22/2010
o.O woah so it's different from what i expected...

it's nice that their is another character who have a special interest to Sakuragi(heheheheh)

I guess he'll be rip to pieces by Haruko(bwahahahah)

Anyway I like it . and it's kinda rare that someone has a special interest to Sakuragi.
BishieMadness chapter 1 . 12/22/2010

it was kinda erotic )

_ the way the story was delivered...

it's a very nice intro... by the way whose the girl who kiss him?

Is it Haruko?
minaseiko1 chapter 16 . 7/6/2010
Love your story! It's so sweet. LOL

Your fic's one of the best HanaxOC I read so far.

Please update soon! D
Xunou-chan chapter 16 . 2/24/2010
Yes! Finally, a really cute Hana X OC fic without the word 'mary-sue!' popping into my head! I'm enjoying this story so far though I wish you could've written more in each chapter...

I like the way how you don't need to write a super duper long sentence for descriptions but simply relies on the dialogues and character interactions to keep the story moving forward which is very nice for a change :)

I hope you're gonna update this soon because I really enjoy it and I want to see how it goes...
ms. tomato chapter 16 . 12/14/2009
Woohoo. :D

Great story! I'm enjoying every bit of it, especially Noriko and her crazy personality. 3

Z0mbieMart chapter 16 . 11/28/2009
WooT! Love this story and i love Sakuragi so please do more soon! :3
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