Reviews for Through the Ages (Old)
The humble blankpage chapter 14 . 7/1/2019
Wait, what was the word Sofia was going to ask?
maka.reff chapter 26 . 1/31/2019
My word... I absolutely love and adore this story. It has me captivated and enthralled and I want to read more and more. Please continue to do a great job. Amazing work! I can’t to see what happens next. I swear there’s gonna be a kiss scene between Dax and Sofía that’s gonna have Cedric completely baffled and unsure of what to do or how to feel and that’s something I look forward to reading haha. Even just the shuttle hints of jealousy dax feels towards the other boys with Sofía you can see the character development. And not just that character development but also as Cedric trying to be a better person. Absolutely amazing.
BintiNuru chapter 26 . 1/1/2019
Okay what am trying to say is please tell your readers in the comments section if you're going to continue writing this story or not thanks.
BintiNuru chapter 26 . 1/1/2019
Kindly tell your readers if you're going to continue writing this story or not? Because in my opinion you can't just leave it where it is now! It's a cliffhanger, and it would be extremely mean of you if you did...
LuzAlvz chapter 26 . 11/15/2018
Wonderful story, the way in which Cedric has mixed feelings for Sofia. It's too bad that you will not continue. I would like to know what happens with the main plot, and also what happens with the mysterious dancer.
allyrwhitney chapter 26 . 3/30/2018
Please continue this awesome story. What happened after the party? Was the problem with Umbra ever solved?
Guest chapter 26 . 3/22/2018
Were have you disappeared too? because I have been waiting for an update for so long
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
Please update this story soon am begging you because I really miss it.
Guest chapter 26 . 10/28/2017
oh i love kid Dax and Vivian they could be friends, i must said vivian is my favorite of all the princess
Guest chapter 26 . 10/27/2017
i loved their interaction too!
Berriestart-lilacsweet chapter 26 . 10/28/2017
awwww dax and vivian's conversation was very cute and helped develop the character more.I'm curious who she's dancing with though... very curious where all of this is leading.
Lucyole chapter 26 . 10/28/2017
Great chapter really good Amber is Angry and Vivian becomes Friends with Dax really sweet but Who is the one Sofia is Dancing with I would say Desmond but I'm Not so sure, please write more soon and Dax/Cedric haVW to tell Sofia the whole Truth what James sad and He is sooo jealous interesting. Please motell *cookies for you*
Ashruka Krusnik chapter 26 . 10/27/2017
Except with James. I hope Sofia finds out what James said and that she gives him the same punishment that Dax game him and tells him off and that she hates him. At lest tell him that she hates him and ask how could he say those things and that she is glade that Dax hit him.
Moe Machine chapter 25 . 10/26/2017
gosh.. that was so cute. Please continue your story. I will wait for more! S2
Lucyole chapter 25 . 10/21/2017
I absolutely love your story really grat and amazing funny and sweet to, did you rewrite some chapters because my review was on chapter 29 and suddenly there are just 25 chapters but that doesn't matter, the best was the show and Sofia forgiving him as Dax still thought he should have told her what James had all said to him but maybe he will
Sofia and Cedric are so cute together I love them whether as a couple or father daughter seeing him so soft and nice is just heartwarming to read I love it can't wait to read more as soon as possible *cookies for oyu*
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