Reviews for It's Superman!
NathanDavies chapter 14 . 7/6
Nice chapter I liked how Clark was with team JNPR and how Yang was able to instantly cheer Clark up it makes me excited to see them get together.
Gg chapter 1 . 7/5
Plz update next story
Gg chapter 1 . 7/5
Pls update next story
Jowasut chapter 14 . 7/4
I like. Continue pls. Ty'

No, but seriously though, its an amazing story and I've always wanted to read a superman in RWBY fic. Your story is really nice and is pushing all the right buttons.

Keep it up.
gods-own chapter 14 . 7/3
as always this story is a pleasure to read, I look forward to the next chapter
MetalBatt chapter 13 . 6/25
I've read plenty of RWBY crossovers. Most follow a similar path, in which the crossover character feels kind of copy-pasted into the roster. Fortunately, some are unique in a sense where the author truly utilizes the crossover character's(and their world, to an extent) full potential to really differentiate their story from others. I feel that with this story. In a way, your story gives off a very 'homely' feel to it. It might be a bit hard to understand what I mean, but the way you've portrayed Clark is very well done. He doesn't carry his 'Reporter Kent' personality, which is obvious since he's still young, but I get a very Smallville-esque vibe from him. A young man who's trying to find a place in this world while trying to maintain the friendships that he's gained, and afraid of what he's truly capable of. If I were to summarize how every chapter feels to me, then it would be somewhere around the realms of extreme wholesomeness. Like having a really good time surrounded by great company. Something I don't believe I've ever really felt off of a story, if I'm to be honest. Maybe it's because it's my first time delving into the superman side of fics, I can't really say at the moment. All I really know is that you have an amazing story in the making! There is no single chapter that feels lackluster, and it really shows that you put in the effort to deliver quality :). So, continue doing what you're doing! Take your time with every chapter you write if we're guaranteed pure quality with every drop! All I really have left to say is, thanks. Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to write this, when you have no obligation in doing so. Keep up the hard work! And remember, wash your hands, take care of yourself, and if you can, stay the fuck at home! Stay safe and I'll see you on your next update :D!

P.s. Did you make that cover art? Because if you did, holy shit, that's amazing :D!
MetalBatt chapter 11 . 6/25
Country boi pulling in all the ladies without even trying. Truly a God among us.
MetalBatt chapter 3 . 6/25
Oh man. Clark is such a wholesome soft boi... He even gives Steve Rogers a run for his money when it comes to women lmao. He's probably the type of guy that wouldn't allow cussing on his minecraft server.
MetalBatt chapter 2 . 6/25
That bullet definitely went through that moon and any other solid in the near vicinity of Remnant's solar system...
MetalBatt chapter 1 . 6/25
I find it really interesting that there are two different crossover sections titled "Superman", with your story being the only one here. Even more surprising is that yours is the second most popular of all the RWBYXSuperman crossover stories. Which is pretty cool since people have actually gone out of their way to check out both Superman sections, and have deduced that your story is one of the best in the fanon! Nice job :D!
elPensador chapter 13 . 5/18
Thanks to coming...
I waiting for rhe next
RokettoMan chapter 13 . 5/17
Finally, new chapter :)
TheBibliophile2718 chapter 13 . 5/16
Glad to see another chapter out. It seems weird that Clark keeps referring Yang as "Miss Xiao Long", it seems like they should be closer.
Masso 2010 chapter 13 . 5/16
good chapter, happy to see you update, looking forward to what comes next.
Shattering chapter 13 . 5/16
How come they came to this conclusion that his semblance evolved? And not the possibility of him holding back? Is it more farfetched that he was holding back than his semblance evolving?
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