Reviews for Out of Control in Remnant
Wickerstein chapter 1 . 7/19
Off to a great start here, and I'll give my next review if I reach the latest chapter. That being said, I'd advise to ignore J the Abarekiller, because he is notorious here for pestering authors to not criticize the canon plot. You're doing good here so far.
Helluva Pawn chapter 18 . 6/16
BEST GUYVER CROSSOVER EVER! Please update this soon. I have to see how much more devastating the Fall of Beacon will be with Lisker involved.
hapyjohn chapter 18 . 4/18
hey thats pretty good
Pathfinder097 chapter 18 . 3/25
Damn this is good I mean I never thought about how team RWBY's action led to so many people dying but another thing Sho should have pointed out to Phrrya is that if the people who attacked Amber can't get her they would go after her friends and family like how Chronos did to Sho...especially when they turned his dad into a Zoanoid...also DAMN ZOALORD CINDER OH SHIT
Greer123 chapter 18 . 3/21
It seems like Sho has done his best to set Pyrrha strait and how out matched she is compared to the foes from his world.
MSN-04 Sazabi chapter 18 . 3/20
Hope you're feeling better, bud.
JP-Ryder chapter 18 . 3/19
Awesome chapter, and Sho speaks the truth!

It's best to asks questions before jumping into the volcano.
Ultimate Kuuga chapter 18 . 3/19
Wow, that was brutal. You write him savage as always. But can’t blame Ozpin though(a little bit) he was desperate. It’s not like he can defeat god or something. Great chapter.
Kamen Rider Chrome chapter 18 . 3/19
I like how you pick at the flaws of canon to make your story.
KnightOfZaku chapter 18 . 3/19
Welcome back!

I really enjoyed that verbal beatdown Sho gave Oz for the Amber situation. It's great to see that Sho wants nothing to do with Oz now that he has an idea of what he's truly like. Also, since it seems like Sho has earned Ironwood's respect for defending his idea on how to transfer Amber's power. Is it safe to say that he and Agito will be making their move to recruit Sho and CRDL in the very near future?

Finally, my favorite part of this chapter was definitely the "pep talk" Sho gave Pyrrha during their elevator ride and subsequent spar. Now that Pyrrha has a better idea of what the downsides will be if she accepts Amber's power. I'm really curious to see if she still makes the same decision her canon counterpart did during the attack.
J the Abarekiller chapter 16 . 2/17
in response to the guest)

ok lets start from the top shall we?

First of all, how would I have handled Adam. I wouldn't have handled him any other way. Like I said the guy did his job, got killed off. I see no reason to change him from how he was handled. I don't need to bring up any ideas because I don't have any for him. Hell if I was was making a fanfic on like Ryuki or something I would straight up just replace him Ryuga. "they handled Adam in a cliche tropey way" coming from an already cliche and tropey series. cuz that makes sense. You're argument here runs hollow because people keep saying that the early RWBY Volumes are this big holy grail of content, yet the Faunus stuff was barely a thing, Weiss was a complete bitch, her racism against the faunus was brought up once, Jaune got WAY too much focus in the early Volumes and it took a commenter saying "I thought this show was called RWBY not JNPR" for them to realize that they've been focusing on the wrong character. So for those who keep complaining that theres no focus on anyone but team RWBY, you all have no one else to blame but yourselves for that, its honesty no wonder why they're scared to focus on anyone else but Team RWBY, and CRDL were some of the most generic and one dimensional bullies ever put to a series.

As for him having issues with Weiss and going after Blake more. Right when Adam was getting praised for his actions by other Faunus, it stopped being about Faunus rights and all that and became more about boosting his ego. He literally says in Volume 2 "but they'll listen to me". Its just like the Punisher. He's using the Faunus discrimination as justification for killing people and boosting his ego. Also, if he really cared about his cause, why would he kill Sienna Kahn? The character who ACTUALLY had wasted potential. Seriously, everyone bosts about how Adam was wasted potential yet they never turn to Sienna Kahn who, lets be honest, had way more potential them him.

As for why he doesn't go after Weiss and instead Blake. Again, after Volume 5, he stopped giving a shit about the Faunus discrimination. Non of it matters to him anymore. Admittedly Adam's transition from "Go team Faunus" to "Go team Faunus but Blake is a traitor" to "Go team Adam" between V3 and V5 is a little wonky, but it's still there. There are offhand lines throughout V4 and V5 that Adam is becoming more power hungry, and we obviously see Adam's possessive streak at the end of V3. You people also ignore that Adam loses everything and becomes consumed with rage by the end of V5, presumably blaming Blake for exposing him and taking away all of the power that he had amassed. Hence, post V5 Adam makes sense.

Also him being the Piccolo of Team RWBY?... are you fucking serious? No really, are you FUCKING serious? If ANYONE EVER suggested that to me I would say "what are you smoking? give me some. and you're fired."

You do realize there is a HUGE difference between Piccolo and Adam. Piccolo never fucking had any race issues or an ego boost. The reason why he softened up was because of Gohan. And even then people go on and on about how Piccolo is the true father of Gohan, except thats not true. Piccolo takes Gohan and throws him to the fucking wolves on months end, and beats him. And before you say "oh its tough love". ok no, he's not a loving protective father figure, he's someone who's training a child soldier. "but he learns to care" I hear you saying. yeah and he does, and thats the thing. The reason I think people latch onto Piccolo as the father figure to Gohan, is that Goku doesn't have a whole lot of emotional maturity. The way that he responds and interacts with Gohan seems childlike. Piccolo has the certain amount off maturity, at least in intalecual maturity, which makes his response to Gohan seem more genuine. So people see that and think "oh he really cares about Gohan" whereas Goku's nature betrays how much he actually cares. Its in moments like when Goku shows up and encounters the sayains, where he gets angry and beats up the people who were hurting his son, or when he goes after Raditz at the cost of his own life. That truly shows that Goku loves his son. And yes Gohan looks up to and adores Piccolo. Heres the thing though, Piccolo isn't a father figure to Gohan, he's more of a role model to him. A very awkward role model, but still a role model.

Yeah I've been sitting on that rant about Piccolo for 3 years, sue me. anyways, back onto Adam.

The thing is, people had the wrong impression about Adam. They felt he was supposed to be a hero, someone fighting the Evil Corporation who just happened to lose his path because of Cinder Fall, and he meant well. If only Blake had stayed, he could have remained true to his beliefs… except that’s a load of bull.
I saw someone else post on this and they hit it out of the park. There is a protagonist who sees the error of their way and turns away from the path of violence and hate and instead seeks to help other people. That person was Blake Belladonna. Further, Blake had someone she cared for deeply who was a part of the White Fang who she struggled with and was able to redeem: Ilia. We even saw with Ilia a young woman who struggled with her choices and showed remorse but was determined to continue that path because she didn’t know what else to do. Blake was able to show her a better path.

With Adam, we didn’t see remorse. We didn’t see hesitation. We saw someone who acted and seized what he could. Adam was never in the position that Blake was in. He was sure of what he was doing. He could not be wrong. That resulted in his death. Because Adam was never the hero. He was a villain. Nor are all villains meant to be redeemed, as redemption means having to admit you were wrong. But for Adam? It was Blake who was wrong. It was Ghira and Sienna who were wrong. Adam could do no wrong, not in his own eyes.

Further, Adam acted as a catalyst. He broke Team RWBY. But while apart, each member of the team learned new things about themselves. Weiss realized she needed her teammates and overcame her self-doubt to finally be able to summon her defeated foes… and also realized it was not her money and resources but was powerful in and of herself. Ruby learned how to follow as well as lead, she learned how to mourn, she learned how to be true to herself… and more, she learned who her true foe was. Yang learned how to become strong once more but not to be brittle or blinded, she learned how to think and move around her foes and how to use her strength to its greatest advantage. And Blake? Blake learned that she was not responsible for the actions of others, that others getting hurt in helping her was not her fault, and how to trust others once more. All four parts of Team RWBY grew while apart, and when they returned together they became something even greater.

The most important thing to realize is that RWBY was not Adam’s story. Adam was a bit player. He only ever was meant to be that bit player. He was Gaston, driving Belle and the Beast back together. He was the Cursed Rose, slowly fading and threatening to trap the Beast in a cursed form until the Beast learned how to trust and love another and thus, united, to face down the curse and prevail while becoming once more human.

Adam played his role. He did everything he was supposed to. In death, he lanced the last boil and reduced Blake to tears, knowing she had killed a man to save both herself and Yang. He could not fulfill this purpose as a prisoner or having fled once more. Adam’s story ended and he died as he had lived: by the sword. And now, Blake and Yang are left to put back together the broken pieces of Blake’s soul.

Adam had to die. If he hadn’t, then he would have returned at some point. And let’s face it. If Blake and Yang had, say, sent him to prison fans would be insisting he break out at some point. If Mistral had him put to death for his crimes, seeing him hang would have been called anti-climactic. No, he had to die by Blake and Yang’s hands, using the two halves of Blake’s shattered weapon, so we could not only see him die… but also see Blake break down in tears afterward because she just took a man’s life with her own two hands… and this was someone she knew, cared for, and feared tremendously.
J the Abarekiller chapter 15 . 2/15
(For chapter 14) You do know Adam is meant to be a reverse version of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast right? Adams character was never destroyed, he did his job, got killed off and that was it. At this point I’m actually starting to wondering if people are mad at how he was handled, and not because he just wasn’t who they theorized him to be. Also to those who say that Adam was nurfed... uh no. No he wasn’t. Look back on his previous fights, notice how he NEVER fought any people that were on a Salem levels. His previous opponents were always mooks and outdated robots. Hell, him cutting off Yang’s arm. That was just Yang rushing into head first without a plan, that’s not a show of power from Adam, that was Yang being idiot. hell in the fight in V6, people say “oh he’s so nerfed he was able to beat Yang in V3 why is is having trouble here” first of all, he’s gone completely insane and isn’t thinking straight, second I’d say he was stronger here then before we saw him. The only reason why Yang and Blake beat him here is because they’re actually thinking and strategizing during the fight. Also, after Volume 6, what the hell were they even gonna do with him in Atlas? ”They could make him a rival for Blake and Yang” uh no, the stuff in Atlas would’ve taken more presidency, meaning the stuff with Adam would’ve had to have been pushed back even further. “Oh well then they could redeem him”. Really? You’re saying you want them to redeem an abusive psychotic murdering madman who had no remorse for his own men or the people he kill? If they actually had done that, that would’ve been even WORSE. That’s the EXACT REASON why everyone hated how the Diamonds got redeemed in Steven Universe. Also, they gave him more then enough chances to redeem himself and he was STILL never convinced. “B-but but J, he killed a Grimm with one swing of his sword in V3, he must be coo-“ the Grimm have LITERALLY been proven to be nothing more than crash test dummies, Adam killing one that charges at him with one swing of his sword doesn’t change anything. Also, as for Adam being a crazy ex boyfriend... (points to Beauty and Beast). Seriously people, if you actually do the research and see the similarities, it really isn’t as bad as you’d think it is. Did everyone just forget that Blake was based off of Belle from Beauty and the Beast? Also, in the Disney version, the Beasts name IS Adam, so there you go.

At this point I’m honestly convinced that you people are just blindly hating on the series without actually doing the research first.
JP-Ryder chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
Well Russell lost, but you did leave out the implication of Cinder having the powers of a Zoanoid.

Also, looks like you're setting up the pieces together. White Fang recruiting a Faunus to get back at Russell, this is going to be a suspenseful climax we got here.

Can't wait to see how this will go.
Ultimate Kuuga chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
Aww crude, this can’t be good, Cinder has an Ace up in her sleeve. Great chapter.
KnightOfZaku chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
Thanks for another amazing chapter!

It was definitely Cinder that was getting Russell to stop attacking Penny. I was wondering when a Remnant Zoalord would be making an appearance. But I definitely wasn't expecting one to be her of all people. With each new reveal you give us. My hype to see your take on the Fall of Beacon grows even more.

Happy Halloween!
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