Reviews for My Hero: Aftermath
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
This story was well written and the plot was very intriguing! When misaki went to meet the little girl and the reactions of the parents and the little girl to him I started tearing up! Thank you for this story
cheshire-catR27 chapter 1 . 6/14/2017
I LOVE your works soo much they're absolutely adorable!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 1 . 6/11/2017
OH YEAH SWEET! A SEQUEL I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Honestly, I didn't expect it to be so soon.


So... Takahiro, Isaka, Haruhiko, and the little girl he saved. Ijuuin or Sumi or Toudou?

Read the summary: "attention" "Haruhiko" "possessiveness". All of them words that got me falling in love with this fic already.

Ah. Classic Akihiko. Taking out the phone to take out his rivals.

Was Akihiko jealous of Takahiro?

Akihiko would love it if Misaki got jealous of everybody over him.

Yup. Doubt something like that blow over in just a span of three days.

Well, at least he got phone privileges back.

Why do I get the feeling something big and bad is gonna happen?


Reporters. They suck.

Aaaaaand here's Isaka. Didn't expect him to enter the story this way.

So he just wants his company to have positive publicity... *sigh*

Yes. Sweet gesture. Holding hands~ Smiles~


Why would Misaki and Haruhiko be thrown out of the store if Akihiko came back now?

Haruhiko makes a move on him while Akihiko is away... why am I not surprised?

I love him so much! I ship them so hard!

I'm sooo in fangirl mode right now.


His reaction was too good to not re-read!

Haruhiko smiled! "Misaki wouldn't be Misaki"!

Commoner chocolates?

Passionate night. Couldn't resist?

I'm nervous too. About visiting the girl he saved and her family.

Looks like Misaki's earned himself a new friend.

Ahhhh, the phone rings, and Akihiko gets jealous and wants to go on a private trip with Misaki...


Great ending!

Terrific work! Looking forward to more in the future! Can't wait! I'm on the edge of my seat anticipating. Is it weird to say that I sometimes check your profile for some sort of update?
Silent ShadowRaven chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
Ah loved it!

It was very touching when Misaki met Kimi-chan. Meeting the person whose life you saved has got to make it all worth it in the end. Y'know, in the long run, I think an incident like this would allow Misaki to maybe somewhat forgive himself over his parents' accident. He saved the life of a girl who was in the same sort of accident as them and I feel like that would maybe help his confidence (for lack of a better term).

I also very much enjoyed Akihiko's possessiveness. It's always kinda adorable when he gets so huffy over people fussing over Misaki.

One of my favorite scenes in this aside from the hospital scene was these two dorks in the supermarket. I don't know why, but I have a sort of soft spot for characters acting like old married couples when going shopping. There's just something so natural and adorkable about it, I dunno.

Whelp, anyway, I'm excited for your next stories. I saw you have a few one-shots coming up and I have to say I'm intrigued by each one and am interested in seeing how you'll play them out.

-'Til next time!
biawhite chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
I loved it! 3