Reviews for The Right of Conquest
xLaBellaVita chapter 33 . 7/18
Can't wait for next update! Loving this story
xLaBellaVita chapter 30 . 7/18
NOOOOOOO she does not deserve that :( :( I am so sad for her!
efachepis97 chapter 33 . 7/18
I just finished reading your story and I really enjoyed it. Greatly looking forward to reading the next chapter.
i'd like to use this opportunity to highlight some of the things I particularly enjoyed, as well as a few points which I think could be improved upon. I'll start with the good, follow with the bad and simply skip the ugly (sorry, bad joke, couldn't resist):

- Your portrayal of the (elder) Weasleys. Most stories where Harry (and Hermione) start associating with Slytherins feature a fair amount of Weasley bashing. At the very least the whole family is critical, if not hostile towards Harry's new friends. It's refreshing to read a story where Mr. & Mrs. Weasley, who are such open and warmhearted people, unconditionally support Harry as they would all their children. Despite being worried and having their own reservations about his plans they are firmly in his corner, no matter what.
And the same is true about Ron and Ginny's reaction. I know that these two characters are the ones who, along with Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley, suffer the most 'bashing' in fanfiction. I can understand why, though I can never agree with it. Anyway, what I like about their portrayal by you is that while they are both critical, hostile and downright rude at times this is in my opinion canon compliant. but instead of taking it to the extreme you show their flaws and then have them retreat before completely wrecking their relationship with Harry. You show clearly that, while they both disagree with Harry's methods (which is perfectly understandable and conforms to their characterisation) they will always support him.

- the various ways your 'cast' deals with the effects of the war. obviously this is a central part of any 'realistic' fic that deals with the aftermath of the war. It is also one of the most daunting parts to write about and deserves nothing less than the author's best efforts. I completely understand authors who shy away from it and focus on light hearted stories instead, but i hold a lot of respect for those who tackle the challenge. Especially when they do it as well as you did. Chapeau!

- You write very well and your story has a nice flow. In my (admittedly amateurish) view you structure your paragraphs well and give understandable and interesting descriptions. Your characters are fully 'fleshed out' and intriguing. While you work off some 'fanon' pre-conceived notions (eg. DG ice queen) you give them your own flair, which is exactly as it should be (after all, I don't start reading HP/DG stories with the intention of meeting anyone but the Ice Queen, I just want the author's spin on them).

Things that could be improved upon:

- Your Harry stutters too much (especially at the start). I know he's not supposed to be a really smooth talker, but the "I-I- I don't know"s and "Wh- whats?"s are a bit much. Especially when he can engage in a battle of wits with your (really quite enjoyable) Ms. Parkinson.

- You should develop the social, political and economic dimensions of your Wizarding World further. You have just given Harry unprecedented political and economic power over Wizarding Britain and you've had him announce it in the most widely followed medium. Aside from a new terrorist faction there was no public outcry about it (or at least you didn't show it to us). Kingsley only reaction to finding out that he's basically gotten a new boss (he can't do much without the WG and the WG can't do anything without Harry's go-ahead) was a vague "let's meet up and discuss legislature over a cup of tea."
Your Wizarding World, which is in shambles, has had no political leadership for four months. no economic development schemes in the works, no nothing. A few questions that need answering:
1) How has the public/general populace gotten through these four months after the war when the only steady employers seem to be the Ministry and Gringotts?
2) What is the mood of the public when, four months after the end of the war their legislative body still hasn't met?
3) What has Kingsley's interim government been doing when they couldn't even pass legislation?
4) What is the state of the wizarding economy during those four months?
5) What has Gringotts' policy been during and after the war (especially since they control the currency)
6) How did the public react when, after a bloody war and during such an economic recession, there suddenly is an announcement that a significant chunk of the nation's wealth, as well as enough political clout to control the government has been bestowed upon one man?
7) Who will oppose him?
8) We'll leave it at that.

As you can tell the political and economic aspects of a story are a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Normally I wouldn't make too big a point of it, but I think a fic that focuses on the reconstruction of society after the war can't really ignore it. Last but not least, while your ideas for charities and businesses is a good one, they are a bit tame in my opinion. Harry has more than enough economic power in your fic to launch his own Marshall plan and in my opinion someone like Draco or Daphne would recognize that. they would also recognize that a man in Harry's position would need to be far more active politically. I suggest that you read 'Novocaine' if you're searching for inspiration. It's a fairly similar story and it's economic and political plotlines are excellent.

this has dragged on for longer than I expected. Might have been more appropriate to leave this as a DM... Oh well.
to sum up: Really enjoyed it, keep up the good work, looking forward for more. Please accept my comments in the constructive way they were meant. Cheerio.
thereaderwithnoname chapter 33 . 7/3
Love this so far! Any plans for an update?
19irene96 chapter 33 . 6/29
GreengrassRebel chapter 33 . 6/25
This is the second time I read all the way through. One of my favorite stories, I just dont get why is so hard to make a Harry/Daphne stories without messing with the Weasleys (the Molly, Arthur and Harry scene has made me cry twice now).

I'm a big fan of Haphne, of Molly/Arthur being parental figures for Harry, of BIG casts of characters and of business/charity Harry, so this story is the full package for me.
Beth5572 chapter 33 . 6/24
I would love to see what you write next. Your a great writer and your stories are great too. Keep up your great works of art.

Thank you and Please,

outcome 5 chapter 33 . 6/11
Continue soon please
outcome 5 chapter 32 . 6/11
Jaja nicee
outcome 5 chapter 31 . 6/11
outcome 5 chapter 30 . 6/11
outcome 5 chapter 29 . 6/11
outcome 5 chapter 28 . 6/11
Nice chapter
Roostertheking chapter 31 . 6/8
Ummm... I know... Its stupid of me but after reading your stupid harry...i too lost some brain cells...
Is brain damaged Hermione giving the Sytherins who don't even respect them... the most kept secret of the war ..for which Albus died and the three kids camped in jungles because they were promised not to even tell this to their elders...
Stupid harry's stupidity is contagious... Hahaaa...
Roostertheking chapter 33 . 6/8
Oops... I made a mistake of reading the last chapter...
After reading all the reviews... I thought u git better but how silly of me... Maybe u don't read any reviews atall...
Hermione is mentally damaged she needs a psychiatrist treatment instead the stupid Harry goes and makes her Cheif witch... Atleast he didn't make his lease holder Daphne...
Its still stupid... I feel sorry for u... U got good plot thought but couldn't carry it...
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