Reviews for The Crown And The Flame: Kenna and Dominic
Maria chapter 1 . 10/23/2017
You were very courage to post a fanfic I won't do it for sure. I think you were a bit cliche. Everybody is together with someone, everybody has a pet etc. I don't know if you played the 3 books but kenna don't need to be saved buy Dominic, she just needs him at her side and fight with her. I didn't like what you have done with Rose because during the books she wasn't a bad person and she always knew about dom's feeling. That's just my opinion.
Anyway as I said you were very brave.
Take care :)
Mr Talanino chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
This gave me aids. I thought the OP was trolling at first and made this "ghetto crown and da flame" but the more i read the more it seems it was written by someone too young to have been even playing the stories. The english is so bad, an 8 year old could mark this and it would be better. The story went from being pg15 to being something you'd hear in a kindy class. I think the whole thing honesty needs to be edited but maybe the writter should wait another 10yrs before writting something adult. I was half expecting a school dance and Kenna to get dentention. Sadly even that would be too "mature" for the writter. Perhaps stick to pepper pig or dora the explorer then try others as you age.
Miranada Kelly chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
There is potential here, but the story is not well put and there are many errors.